God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 185 -

A Gospel On Prayer Pleasing To God

WHEN CYRENIUS had heard this from Joseph, he turned to the little Child resting on his arms and said to Him,
'O You whose Name my tongue will never be worthy to express! Then that was nothing but grace from You, my Lord and God?
How, in what way shall I now thank You, how praise and honor You for such immeasurable, truly wonderful grace?
What can I, a poor, dull human being really do for You in return, o Lord, since You are so immeasurably merciful to me and protect me more than Your own heart?'
Here the little Child said, "My beloved Cyrenius! You would be much more pleasing to Me if only you would not always heave such sighs before Me!
What after all do I and you get out of it when you sigh thus before Me?
I say to you, rather be of good cheer and love Me as well as all other people in your heart, and you will please Me more than if you always sigh for no reason in the world.'
Cyrenius now inquired most tenderly of the little Child,
'O my life, my all! May I then not pray to You, my Lord and my God?'
And the little Child answered, 'Oh yes, you may indeed do that - but not with all manner of never-ending exclamations,
but only in your spirit, which is your love towards Me, and in its truth, which is the true light that streams forth from the flame of love!
Do you really suppose that I become more opulent, mightier and greater by the prayers of men than I already am without such prayers?
'Oh see, that is just why I have appeared out of My eternal infinity in this body, so that men should pray to Me more with their love -
and should therewith spare their mouth, their tongue and their lips! For that kind of prayer degrades the worshiper as well as the worshiped, because it is dead nonsense, a characteristic of the heathen!
What after all do you do with your good friends and brothers when you gather with them?
See, you are delighted to see them, greet them and offer them hands, breast and head.
Do the same with Me also, and I shall eternally ask nothing else of you!
And now be wholly of good spirits, look around a bit after your children and inquire of them a little as to what they have already learned,
and you will have greater joy thereat and will also prepare Me a greater joy than if you were to sigh and exclaim a hundred times on end!'
At this Cyrenius became very glad and promptly called the eight children over to himself and asked them about various things.
And the children gave him such thoroughly informed answers to every question that he could not get over his surprise thereat.
Cyrenius was very happy indeed at this - and the children were also happy that they were so smart, and Cyrenius made generous presents to them all and praised the schoolmaster.
