God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 186 -

Cyrenius Receives A Rare Gift

THEREUPON the oldest of the three boys went over to Cyrenius and inquired,
'Father Quirinus Cyrenius! Since you have now examined us about various things and we did not fail you in any answer and you were pleased with all of us on that account -
would you not, for your love and concern, also accept a present in return from me?'
Cyrenius smiled at this question and said to the boy,
'Your offer, my dear Sixtus, is very pleasing and welcome to me, only you must describe the object which you wish to give me more closely,
and I shall then tell all of you right away whether or not I can accept it!'
Here the boy answered, 'Oh father Quirinus Cyrenius, it is no object which we want and are able to give you as a present,
but a new science, or which you have surely had no idea until now!'
When Cyrenius heard this from his Sixtus, he said to him,
'Listen, my dear Sixtus, if that is the way the matter stands, then you can make me a present of as much as you ever care to, and I shall most willingly accept it all!'
After this declaration of Cyrenius the boy said,
'Well then, if that pleases you, oh father Quirinus Cyrenius, then listen to me!
You have surely never heard up to now what our earth looks like, and what form it has.
What form do you suppose that it has, the great earth, which carries us all and nourishes us through the grace of God in her?'
Cyrenius was taken aback by this question and did not know what he should say thereto.
Only after a while did he answer the boy, 'Listen, my boy, your question puts me in a great quandary; for I cannot give you a definite answer thereto.
We do of course have a great many conjectures concerning the nature of the earth; but as far as the definite truth is concerned, one cannot answer only with conjectures.
Therefore you go ahead and speak alone, and I shall hear you and then form an opinion of your presentation.'
Here the boy, at a wink from Joseph, ran into the house and very carefully brought the same earth-globe which the little Child had created from an orange the night before because of the eclipse of the moon.
When Cyrenius saw this object, he was surprised and asked, 'Well, just what is that? Is that perhaps the supposed present itself?
After all, you said a little while ago that the present did not consist in an object, but only in a scientific exposition!
But that is nevertheless an object and no scientific exposition.'
The boy replied, 'Dear father Quirinus Cyrenius, that is no doubt true, but I cannot make you a present of this object because it is not mine;
but it is necessary here if you are to understand me.'
Here the boy, with the aid of the earth-globe, began to explain the character of the earth like a professor, and that with such thoroughness that Cyrenius was deeply astonished thereat.
And when the boy had finished, the little Child said to Cyrenius, 'That is right! And so you may have a memento thereof, this little earth shall also be yours, until you will someday receive a greater one in My kingdom!'
