God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 190 -

The Lord Over Death And Above The Sabbath

THE LITTLE CHILD then said to Cyrenius,
'Cyrenius, now you are indeed filled in your heart, and this stilling of your hunger will last you eternally-
but your body is hungry, and you need sustenance there for the same purpose that I also need earthly sustenance for My body.
So come down with Me into the house, where we will eat a good fish which Jonathan brought with him today and which My brothers have prepared very well.
For I must tell you that I much prefer to eat fish to that monotonous Jewish children's mush, and I am really looking forward to a good little portion.
Oh, I tell you, My dearest Cyrenius, I very much enjoy eating the fish and am therefore also very fond of Jonathan because he is a pure fisherman and often brings us the best fish!
Oh I tell you, My very dear Cyrenius, after the meal you must play with Me a bit, and your children also.
You are still young, so you can run and jump around with Me a little.'
This purely childish talk of the little Child pleased Cyrenius so greatly that he quite forgot the dead Tullia, although his companions mourned her,
and a few of the company also began to be concerned about Cyrenius because of his gaiety which seemed to be a form of madness to them.
Maronius himself went over to Cyrenius and asked him how he felt.
Here the little Child promptly answered in place of Cyrenius, saying,
'Oh Maronius, do not be concerned for My friend here, for he was never freer from madness in his whole life than now!
I wish you were as sound as Cyrenius, for then you surely would not put such a question in My presence.
Do you also come down with us to the table - perhaps a good piece of fish will heal you.'
Cyrenius now went into the house with the little Child, with Joseph, Mary, Jonathan, Eudokia and with the eight children, and Maronius followed them, although somewhat as if treading on thorns;
but the rest of the great company mourned and did not go to the noon meal.
After the meal, which all those present found very tasty, the little Child promptly wanted to go out into the open again and play with the eight children.
But Mary said, 'Now listen, my Jesus! You really may not play now, and neither may the eight children - for in the first place it is now the Sabbath, and in the second place we have a corpse in the house, and there one must not play, but should be especially quiet and subdued.'
And the little Child retorted, 'Woman, what sort of spirit tells you to speak to Me like that?
Is the Sabbath more than I - and the dead woman more than My will?
But so you may see that I stand above the Sabbath and above the dead woman, and that she does not hinder Me in My joy, let her awaken!'
At these words the corpse arose from the bier and soon thereafter came into the room.
The little Child now told them to give her something to eat, and then promptly went out into the open with Cyrenius, while all were greatly surprised at this awakening.
