God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 191 -

Cyrenius Wins A Race With The Child

WHEN THE LITTLE CHILD was out in the open with Cyrenius and the other eight children, He said to Cyrenius,
'See that tree over there - how far do you suppose it is from here?'
'I would say,' replied Cyrenius, 'that it should, by good measure, be about two hundred paces from here.'
And the little Child said, 'Then let us race there and see which of us has the fastest feet!'
Here Cyrenius smiled and observed, 'O Lord, with Your earthly strength You will no doubt be the last one to reach the tree!'
But the little Child said, 'Only the result will show that, so let us make the attempt!'
At this the racers ran with all their might, and the little Child was at the tree first.
Upon arriving at the tree, Cyrenius, almost out of breath, asserted,
'O Lord, I just knew that You would not run naturally and thus would reach the goal first!
For you are carried by unseen powers, but I am carried only by my sluggish feet!'
Here the little Child stated, 'Cyrenius, herein you have once more gone astray - for your feet are animated by unseen powers as well as Mine!
But the difference consists in that I am a Master, but you are only a student of the powers.
And when you really learn to exercise your powers, you will also be able to use them like the Master does!
Now let us run back, and we will see who will reach the place in front of the house first this time.'
Here Cyrenius quickly bent down to the earth, lifted up the little Child and ran back with Him - and was by far the first one at the goal.
Arrived there, the little Child smiled and said, 'That was great fun!
See, you have achieved mastery at once - you saw the Master, took Him up and therewith became a master yourself.
Now mark the lesson therein: In the future no one will become a master by his own efforts anymore,
but if he takes up the Master, he then will become a master through the Master whom he has taken up.
'It matters little who is able to run the fastest - but for all that everyone should strive to reach the goal set by Me ahead of any other goal and ahead of anyone else!
Whoever will undertake the path of life on his own power, he will be the last -
but whoever will do as you just did during the second race, he will also find himself to be the first at the goal just like you!
Now let us change over to another pastime and have some fun in a childlike way.'
