God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 196 -

A New King Over All The World

IN THE COURSE of this second game still other dissensions arose among the players.
The prime minister was too greatly feared because Cyrenius held that office, so the general as well as the governor and the judge hardly dared to undertake anything against the prime minister and. privately sulked at such an arrangement.
Especially the two girls, who held the offices of prefect and judge, were not satisfied because they were not permitted to do anything without the permission of the prime minister.
Only Sixtus in his children's pit was wholly satisfied.
The little Child saw this discord, hence He called them all together again, handed out the marbles once more and had them toss for the third time.
At this toss Cyrenius landed in the king's pit and the little Child in the children's pit;
and all the children were highly pleased that for once the two years and four months old Jesus also landed in the children's pit.
Here even that certain girl returned and said to the little Child, 'See, that is the proper place for You! It makes me happy that for once You also landed in this boring little pit!'
The little Child replied, 'See, the prime minister's pit is still free. Take a marble and toss - perhaps you will land in it!'
Thereupon the girl took the marble again, tossed and actually landed in the prime minister's pit.
And when she saw herself in the pit of the prime minister, she turned quite red for joy that her ambition had finally been satisfied, and jokingly remarked,
'Well, my Jesus, look out; now I shall surely punish You if You are disobedient!'
Here the little Child said, 'You know, the children are free from the law - how will you treat Me and what will you do to Me'?'
And the girl replied, 'Just let the game begin, and You shall promptly see whether the prime minister has no power over the children!'
Then Cyrenius as king allotted the game, and all went to their places and there administered their office.
But the prime minister especially incited the priest against the Child, that he should not in any case give Him a hearing.
Thus all the other offices also had no ear for the Child.
And the Child therefore ran to the king and complained to him according to the rule of the game over His persecution.
But the king answered, 'O Lord, I am still not familiar enough with these rules!
But since, notwithstanding these rules, a disorder has again crept into the game, I will recall the little company once more, and if You wish, we can make a new toss right away.'
And the little Child declared, 'Yes, Cyrenius, a new one and forever the last one!
So then call the children together that we may make the final throw!'
Cyrenius now called the children together, distributed the marbles, and all tossed.
This time all the children as well as Cyrenius tossed into the children's pit - only Jesus tossed into the king's pit.
At this His pit at once began to glow, and His marble began to shine like the sun.
And the little Child took the shining marble, laid it into the father's pit and then asked Cyrenius,
'Cyrenius, now do you understand something of this significant game?'
Cyrenius answered, 'O Lord, my life, how should I be able to understand that?'
And the little Child replied, 'Then listen to Me - I shall interpret it for all of you plainly and thoroughly.'
