God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 199 -

The Universal Significance Of The Lord's Descent

WHEN JOSEPH HEARD THIS from the little Child, he said,
'O my little Son of God, I have indeed understood You in my heart,
but I must confess that you did not make me a pleasant prediction there!
For if the greatest part of mankind will remain pagans and worshipers of idols after You as they did before You, for what purpose then is this Your descent to earth?
For what purpose is such degradation of Your infinite, eternal Holiness? Do you want to help only a few? Why not all?'
Here the little Child answered, 'Oh Joseph, you really ask a lot of vain questions.
Have you never looked at the starry heavens? See, each star which you behold is a world, is an earth upon which free human beings live as they do here!
And there are countless numbers which no mortal eye has seen, and behold, this My descent to earth is meant for them all!
But the how and why you will only be given to see in My kingdom in greatest clarity.
So do not be surprised that I have made such a prediction to you concerning the inhabitants of this world -
for I have inhabited worlds without end and number, and all these innumerable and endless hosts have need of this My descent
and have need of it because My own eternal order needs it, from which this earth as well as all others without number and end have gone forth.
'For matters will indeed come to pass on the earth as I have foretold you.
But for all that the eternally holy purpose of this My descent will not be in vain!
See, all these countless worlds, suns and earths have their courses, and these likewise have directions in infinite numbers.
Everywhere there are other laws and everywhere another order;
but ultimately they all still harmonize in My one, fundamental order and correspond to the one grand central purpose as do the limbs of the body and their functions.
'And behold, thus it ultimately will also be with the children of the earth, and at some future time when they are in the spirit they will all recognize that there is only one God, one Lord, one Father and only one perfect life in Him!
But how and when? - That remains with Him who now told you about it.
For many winds must first blow over the surface of the earth
and much water fall down from heaven and a great quantity of wood burned before it can be said:
Behold, now there is one flock and one Shepherd, one God and only one Man from innumerable hosts, one Father and one Son in and from the numberless hosts!'
These words of the little Child made the hairs of Cyrenius, Jonathan as well as Joseph stand on end, and Joseph protested,
'O little Child, Your words are becoming more and more incomprehensible, amazing and truly terrible!
Who can grasp their infinite depth? Therefore speak with us according to our understanding, otherwise we perish at such depth of your speech!'
Here the little Child smiled and replied, 'See, Joseph, today I am in an especially communicative mood to reveal things to you at which you should all shudder.
And you shall all fully realize therefrom that the perfect Lord of eternity is in fact at home in Me and now lives among you! - And so hear Me out!'
