God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 200 -

The Child Foretells The Crucifixion And Resurrection

AND THE LITTLE CHILD continued, 'Joseph, what will you say if the children of the world will one day seize and kill the Lord with the help of Satan?
When they will seize Him like one seizes a murderous robber and will drag Him before the tribunal of the world, where the spirit of hell has its sway?
And this tribunal will have the Lord of all glory fastened to the cross - what do you say to that?
When it will be done with Him as the prophets, whose words are well known to you, have foretold of Him - what do you say to that?'
When the three heard this from the little Child they were filled with a great fear, and Joseph exclaimed vehemently,
'My Jesus, my little Son of God, truly, may that never happen to You of all people!
The hand which would ever violate You shall be cursed forever and its bearer's soul shall do penance for its outrage eternally in the greatest possible torment!'
And Cyrenius, along with Jonathan, also joined with Joseph and declared,
'Yes, if such could possibly ever happen - of an eternal truth I will, beginning today, become the most cruel tyrant!
Twice one hundred thousand of the most practiced warriors are under my command - only one nod is required of me, and death and destruction shall be brought to all the world!
Before an impudent devil of a man shall lay his satanic hands on this Child, I will rather have all the people on the whole earth done away with!'
Here the little Child smiled and said, 'Then your warriors will still remain, and who will dispose of these?
See, My dear Cyrenius, whoever knows what he is doing and does wrong, he commits sin and is a doer of evil -
but whoever does not know what he is doing, and then does wrong, it shall be forgiven him! For he did not really know what he was doing.
Only if someone well knew what he was doing and would do no wrong of himself, but nevertheless does not resist when he is forced and then does wrong, he is a slave of hell and pulls a judgment down on his own head.
'For hell well knows that it is easier to deal with blind instruments than with those that see -
for which reason it constantly keeps these blind slaves in her pay, and these very blind slaves are the ones who will fasten the Lord of glory to a cross!
And how will you punish a blind man because he struck his foot against something on the road and fell and broke his arms and legs?
So just take good care to stay right at home with your power, which would sow much more harm than good on the earth!
And be assured that He, whom men will kill according to the flesh in their blindness, will not be killed in spirit and in His power, but will quickly arise again out of His own strength and power
and in this way alone open the way to eternal life for all creatures!'
In the meantime, the vehement tone of Cyrenius had drawn the group around Tullia over to the little group in the side room.
But the little Child sent them back and said, 'Go about your business; for what goes on here is not for you who are blind!' - And the group thereupon withdrew.
