God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 211 -

The Child Warns Joseph Against Vain Searching

AFTER A WHILE Joseph went over to the little Child and asked Him how such was to be understood.
And the little Child replied, 'Joseph, here you seek in vain-
for there are many things indeed which will not be disclosed to you while you live on the earth.
But whoever after this life will enter into My kingdom spiritually, to him everything will be shown in the light.
So do not ask about things here that do no concern you at this time.
Now have soil brought over so this fire area may be covered with it.'
Here Joseph turned to Cyrenius who promptly had soil brought over by his servants and the area of the fire covered therewith.
By the time this was done it was noon, and the midday meal already stood prepared by the sons of Joseph who kept it in readiness for the many guests.
The little Child now said to Joseph, 'I have already become quite hungry - three large fish are fried, so let us go to dinner.'
Here Joseph said, 'That is a good idea, but will the fish really be sufficient for more than a hundred people?'
The little Child answered, 'You have surely seen the great creatures - how then can you ask?
Each fish weighs a good hundred pounds, so there really is no need of any more, and there is enough for two hundred people.
So let us go home now, for I am already very hungry - and especially for the good fish of the Mediterranean.'
Thereupon Joseph promptly called everyone to the noon meal and went inside the villa.
On the way to the villa Cyrenius asked the lovely little Child whether this sea really was a sea in the middle of the land (Mare Mediterraneum).
And the little Child replied, 'Whether right or not - I must of course speak with all of you according to your kind if I want to be understood by you.
After the meal you can look it up on the little earth-globe, and there you will undoubtedly find out whether this expression fits.'
The little Child now ran ahead with His James to be at the table as soon as possible.
When Joseph arrived, the little Child smiled at him from the table while already holding a piece of fish in His hand.
Joseph was secretly quite happy at this, but said for the sake of propriety,
'Well, well, my dearest little Child, such a big piece! Will You really be able to eat it all?'
And the little Child smiled still more and answered, 'Do not worry about that, for your fathers have already seen to it that nothing can easily harm My stomach. For they have often served Me with the largest and worst scraps.' - Here Joseph well understood what the little Child meant.
