God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 212 -

The Child And James Forget To Pray

JOSEPH NOW said his usual table prayer and blessed the food
and then asked the little Child if He had also prayed.
Here the little Child smiled again and said to James,
'Say, now we are going to catch it! For we have both forgotten to ask the blessing and to give thanks and have already eaten of the fish.
You speak now as well as you can, otherwise we are sure to be punished again and will have to fast a bit.'
And James, somewhat embarrassed, answered, 'Dear father Joseph, I ask your forgiveness - for this time, along with my Jesus, I have really forgotten to pray!'
When Joseph heard this from James, his face took on a somewhat threatening look and he stated,
'Since you have forgotten to pray, you can also forget to eat until evening, and in the meantime you can now go for a little walk out in the open.'
At this the little Child smiled at James and said, 'Well, there we have it! Did I not say a little while ago that we would have to fast?
But wait just a little longer - I want to speak a few words with Joseph first.
Perhaps he will relent a bit as concerns the fasting until evening.'
And James said in a low tone of voice, 'Lord, You do what seems best to You, and I shall follow Your example.'
Thereupon the little Child asked, 'Joseph, are you really serious about that?'
And Joseph replied, 'Yes, of course; for whoever does not pray, he shall not eat either!'
At this the little Child smiled once more and said, 'Now that is what I call being strict!
See, if I were as strict as you now are, a great many who still eat today, although they did not pray, would have to do penance by fasting!
I really would like to hear from you for once why and exactly to whom I should pray.
And then I would also like to find out from you just exactly to whom you pray in your prayer, and to whom poor James should have prayed.'
Here Joseph replied, 'To the Lord God, Your holy Father must you pray, since He is holy, most holy!'
And the little Child retorted, 'You are certainly correct there -
but the unfortunate part of the matter is that you just do not know the Father of all glory to whom you pray.
And you will not recognize this Father for a long time because your old, habitual blindness hinders you therein.'
The little Child then said to James, 'Let us go outside now, and you will see that out in the open one can also get something to eat without prayer.'
Thereupon the little Child went outside with His James and did not allow Himself to be detained.
