God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 219 -

The Cross As Symbol Of God's Love

AFTER THIS MOST ENLIGHTENING DISCUSSION between the little Child and Cyrenius, Joseph also turned to the little Child and asked Him what was to be done now with the cross that had been brought home.
And the little Child replied, 'Joseph, I tell you, that has already found its man and its place!
Now you say to a merchant: You have a good product which you will not have for long;
for some buyer who is undoubtedly anxious to buy it will soon appear.
And behold, I am also that kind of a merchant! I have brought a good product to be sold to whoever will buy it.
And a buyer has already appeared and has brought it into his possession through his love to Me -
and that buyer is Jonathan, the strong fisherman.
Should he then not receive anything for his many fish with which he so often has generously supplied us in the past?
'One hand washes the other. Whoever gives water, to him water shall be given in return.
Whoever gives oil, he shall be repaid in oil.
Whoever gives comfort, to him comfort shall be given eternally.
And whoever gives love, he shall also be repaid with love.
Now Jonathan has given Me all his love - therefore I also gave him My love in this cross.
You others have, to be sure, also given Me love with water and oil -
but I tell you, Joseph: Pure love is valued more highly by Me than that with water and oil!
'For the cross has now become My greatest love!
Therefore I gave it to Jonathan because of his great love to Me -
for he alone loves Me because of Myself, and that is pure love.
He loved Me without knowing who I am - but you others loved Me less although you knew who I really am.
And behold, that was a love with a great deal of water! For that reason you shall never suffer a lack of water in this world, namely in your eyes.
Cyrenius loved Me with oil - so he shall in days to come also be anointed with the oil of life, as you shall be given to drink of the water of life.
But in the future only those who really love Me shall fully dwell with Me!'
This discourse of the little Child made Joseph thoroughly afraid, and Cyrenius himself made big eyes.
Thereupon the little Child added, 'But on that account you others should not suppose that I shall withhold the cross from you - for whoever has a heart free from the world shall also receive the free cross!' - This enlightenment put Joseph and Cyrenius at ease again in their hearts.
