God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 218 -

Faith Demonstrates True Humility Of The Spirit

THEREUPON THE LITTLE CHILD said to Cyrenius as the latter began to investigate other matters on the little globe,
'Cyrenius, you continue to search in vain and promptly want the whole hand where I have shown you one finger!
See, that is out of the question; for everything requires its time and its established, immutable order!
When you see a tree blossom, you would of course already like to have the ripe fruit.
But that cannot be; for every tree has its time and its order.
'Now time and order are established by Me from eternity, so I cannot go against Myself;
neither can anything be taken away from time and from order.
I do indeed love you in all fullness of My divine power, but for all that I still cannot grant you even a minute of fleeting time,
for this must flow onward like an incessant stream and has no rest until it has reached the great shore of eternity, which is ever constant and unchangeable.
'Thus your continued probing into My mysteries is rather vain.
For by such an approach you still will not come a hair's breadth closer to My depths until the proper time.
Cease therefore from such inquiries and do not burden your spirit in vain - for at the proper time all that shall freely be yours from Me!
'Now you would like to fully comprehend why the middle is there where I am?
But I say to you: such you cannot grasp at present - therefore you should first believe and by faith demonstrate the true humility of your spirit.
Once your spirit by means of humility has reached the proper depth in itself, then you will also have a clear insight into My depths from this depth.
But when you exalt your spirit by searching My depths, then it will leave its living depth ever more and more, and thereby you will alienate yourself from my depths and not come near to them again.
'Yes, I will add: from now on all deep wisdom shall remain hidden from the wise of the world -
but it shall be laid into the hearts of those without guile, the weak children and the orphans!
For that reason become a child in your heart, and then will be the right time for your to receive true wisdom!'
Cyrenius was greatly amazed at this doctrine and asked the little Child, saying,
'Well, if so, then no one may learn to read the letters nor write the script?
For if You freely give all that to him who is worthy, why then the laborious learning?'
And the little Child answered, 'By means of proper and humble learning the acre is made fertile for wisdom, and that is also in My order.
But you must not look upon the act of learning as the end or as wisdom itself, but only as a means.
For when the acre is made fertile, I shall surely spread the seed from which the proper wisdom will sprout forth! Do you understand that?' - At this Cyrenius was silent and probed no more.
