God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 241 -

The Evil Plan Of The Neighbors

HEREUPON A LEADING CITIZEN of Ostracine asked the governor what he meant by that, saying,
'Why should this house be safe, if one - perhaps erroneously - holds this old Jew to be an arch sorcerer?'
And Cyrenius replied, 'Because a weak human being can accomplish nothing where the power of the from all eternity existing Deity holds His protective hand.
And this house, like no other in the whole wide world, stands under the almighty protection of that Deity, therefore it is also unconquerable!
Lay your hand on this house with evil intentions, and you will promptly find out how matters stand with it!' - Thereupon he left the table, accompanied by the garrison commander and the captain.
At this the leading citizens were taken aback and said to one another,
'The governor just wants to frighten us because he has no military force with him.
If we really were to lay our hands on this house and on his person, you may be sure that he would soon speak a different language!
So let us arise from the table and go into the city and return towards evening with a strong force,
and then we shall promptly see whether the governor will still use this sort of language!'
Soon thereafter the leading citizens arose from the table and went outside
where they, as well as the garrison commander and the captain, took leave from Cyrenius and started on their way back to the city.
Here Joseph went over to the citizens and asked,
'Why do you want to leave so soon, when the sun will still shine for at least an hour?
Stay until evening, when we will all accompany Cyrenius to his ship as it is fitting -
for he departs for Tyre already tonight and will therefore ready and board his ship yet today.'
But those thus addressed excused themselves and replied, 'We still have some very important business ahead of us today, so excuse us to your very close friend!'
Here the little Child came running over and said to Joseph,
'Just let them go into the city, for their business is of a nature which must serve to glorify My name!'
At this Joseph let the guests go their way and with the little Child went over to Cyrenius and told him how these had excused themselves, and what the little Child had said.
And Cyrenius replied, 'Oh my esteemed brother, this sort I know!
They are jealous and cannot contain nor control themselves from all their inward gall because I visited your house and ignored them;
but I am very calm thereat as far as you are concerned, for I plainly know under whose protection you stand!'
And the little Child affirmed, 'Oh, the parched road shall become hot for them!
They want to destroy our house even today, and that with fire;
but they shall not gain the time to do so, for they shall quickly have enough to do at home!'
The little Child had hardly finished speaking these words, when half the city already stood in flames - and no one thought about destroying Joseph's house any more.
