God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 242 -

He Who Digs A Pit For Another

ALL NOW TOOK FRIGHT when they suddenly beheld the enormous mass of smoke and flames rising into the air.
And Cyrenius asked Joseph whether aid should not be rushed to these terribly hard-pressed people.
But Joseph answered, I would say that we should stand aside!,
And besides we are helpless to put out the fire with our natural or human capabilities;
and as concerns those who lose their possession thereby, they will meet us soon enough and at the proper time.
So let us be quite undisturbed, for whoever feels a need to come here will surely do so!'
And the little Child at Joseph's side assured him; saying, 'See, dear Joseph, that will make your chest of gold and silver considerably lighter also!
You too, Cyrenius, will lose a few pounds of gold and silver still today before your departure;
for those who were here and secretly threatened to destroy our house will soon return here as greatly humbled friends and will ask you to give them aid.
So just be prepared for that! But do not suppose that I was the One who sent this blaze upon their houses by My power;
for I do no such thing, and any sort of revenge is far from Me!
'I now tell you: Their servants have done this to them,
for they have already had a rancor against their masters for a long time because they were treated in a harsh and miserly way.
Today they found the most favorable opportunity to revenge themselves against their masters
by putting the torch to all their stately mansions.
And thus, without My taking a hand in the matter, these lords of the world have fallen into the very pit which they intended to prepare for us!'
When Cyrenius heard this from the little Child, he swiftly asked Him whether these bad servants should not be pursued.
And the little Child replied: 'Oh, do not bother with that! For to begin with they have accomplished a good thing with their hard-hearted masters -
in the second place they are already long gone over hill and dale with the stolen treasure -
and besides they will not escape their just punishment, since they took the law into their own hands out of wicked revenge!
So let us be concerned primarily with those who will need our help!
But as concerns the incendiarists, they will be attended to.
Behold, God sees them wherever they are and knows their route exactly.
Therefore He can also seize them anywhere, let them be where they may.
God is also a most just judge to everyone; therefore He will know the proper reward to give them for their deed!'
Here Mary came up quite anxiously and showed Joseph a large troop of armed warriors that moved toward the villa in great haste.
But the little Child said, 'Oh, do not be afraid - that is the protective guard for Cyrenius, which the garrison commander now sends from the city for everyone's protection.
A large number of citizens will soon follow the guard.
So you need only be concerned for their lodging - everything else will take care of itself!'
And as the little Child stated, so it was: Cyrenius received a protective guard which was soon followed by a great many burned-out citizens.
