God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 244 -

Though We Lose All - But Have The Lord

FOR TWO HOURS after sundown Joseph was busy with the distribution,
and also provided a shelter for those deprived of their homes and a means of livelihood,
since only a few dared to spend the night in the city, partly because of the strong stench from the fire,
and also from fear that the fire might at any moment seize one or the other still untouched house.
When Joseph had thus completed his business, he privately asked the little Child whether it might now be safe to leave the house and to go over to Jonathan.
And the little Child answered, 'What do you care about the house and its contents?
After all, it does not belong to us, but to him who bought it as well as the contents - which also belong to the buyer.
So let us just go over to Jonathan who surely has a good fish waiting for us!'
And Joseph said, 'That is of course true,
but consider that we have a chest full of gold and silver, and cows, goats and donkeys.
Could these not be robbed by these now very many guests?'
Here the little Child said, 'Joseph, that is beyond Me at present;
so discuss it with James who understands these matters better now than I do.'
Joseph thereupon put the same question to James.
And James answered: 'Father, and if we lost everything and still have the Lord, what would we really have lost?
Now the Lord is going with us to Jonathan - what then should we fear to lose here in the house of the governor?
Let yourself be robbed of the whole earth but keep the Lord, and you have more than if all the heavens and the worlds were your very own possession!
Go now, o most upright man, with the Lord to Jonathan without fear or worry, and you will assure yourself that we will lose nothing!'
These words of the Lord from the mouth of James becalmed Joseph so greatly that he at once made his departure with all of his kinsfolk and went to Jonathan.
There all were already awaiting the arrival of Joseph with the greatest anticipation.
And when he came into sight they ran toward him like children toward their father, with Cyrenius in their midst.
And when Joseph with his kinsfolk was thus led into Jonathan's house, the latter quickly had the well-prepared fish served up and all partook of their evening meal.
