God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 245 -

Joseph To Cyrenius - Follow The Lord's Counsel

AFTER THIS EVENING MEAL was completed, Cyrenius ordered his crew to make the ship ready for departure.
And the crew in a short time put everything on board ship in top order.
James now went over to Cyrenius with the others and asked him if in his haste he had not forgotten the marvelous earth-globe which the little Child had presented to him a couple of days ago.
At this question Cyrenius literally took hold of his hair and immediately wanted to run after it himself.
But James said, 'Oh Cyrenius, do not concern yourself about it;
for what you have forgotten, I have remembered!
See, here in this corner wrapped in a cloth is the earth-globe, so you need not hasten to our home for it.'
Here Cyrenius was full of joy, took the treasure himself and carried it to the ship where he gave it to his ship's captain to be kept with greatest care.
When this matter was attended to, Cyrenius went over to Joseph and said to him,
'Kindly listen to me now, my above all esteemed friend and brother, for I have now had an inspiration which must be acted upon.
See, you now have a great many people in your house, and a few will remain with you.
Now my children do after all cause you more or less worry and many an inconvenience and, as I have noticed myself, especially the three boys.
Therefore I have now made up my mind to at least take the three boys with me and to leave only the Five girls with you.'
Joseph replied, 'My very dear brother, do what you think best, and everything will be agreeable with me.
But be sure to do all that according to the counsel of the Lord so that everything will be for the best.
For that reason ask the Lord in this matter also, and then do what He tells you!'
Here Cyrenius promptly turned to the little Child in deepest love and reverence and asked Him according to Joseph's advice.
And the little Child said, 'Yes, yes, just take the three really troublesome boys with you - that is all right with Me.
Sixtus would, for that matter, still be acceptable to Me, but he too is not always the same and will not give Me credit in anything.
So just take him along too and be sure to be quite strict with them, or they will become out and out worldlings.
But the girls you can leave here; for I love them much better since they also love Me more than the boys.
But I do not love them more because they are girls, but only because of their greater love to Me.'
Upon this declaration Cyrenius took the three boys and thanked the little Child for this splendid advice and then had them promptly brought on board ship.
