God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 250 -

The Wages Of The World

JONATHAN now took ten of the best fish and gave them to his cook to be quickly prepared.
Then he assisted his helpers in bringing the catch partly into barrels and partly into the smoke shed.
In a quarter of an hour the fish were ready to eat, and all members of Joseph's family went to partake of the morning meal.
When the meal was completed it was already close to noon, and Joseph announced,
'Now we must lose no time in getting home.
And you, brother Jonathan, will accompany me and will spend the day at my house.'
And Jonathan, full of joy in his heart, replied,
'Oh brother, there is nothing I would rather do, for you know that I love you beyond measure!'
Thereupon Jonathan again took three large casks full of the choicest fish and in an exuberant frame of mind went to the villa with Joseph and his family.
When they arrived there, they were greatly surprised to see that all of the burned-out citizens were gone,
and that the house stood there quite empty with all its doors open.
At this Joseph said, That is not a good sign;
for thieves appear to have been active here! They are the sort who flee when they have robbed a house, while an honest man remains.
Go inside, my sons, and see whether anything is left in the house, and then come and tell me!'
And the four sons went and searched the house and found it to be completely plundered with the exception of the livestock in the stable.
The larder was also empty, and not a penny was to be found in the money chest.
Since the four sons found matters to be in this state, they became very sad and returned and made all this known to Joseph.
Here Joseph became angry at the baseness of people who for charities reward their benefactors with this sort of gratitude.
And he declared grimly, 'Truly, if it were in my power to punish such infamous rabble in a way that would hurt them most, I would immediately let fire rain from heaven on the heads of such thieves!'
Here the little Child went over to Joseph and said: 'Now, now, father Joseph, you are very severe today!
The thieves have after all still left you Me, so how can you be so very angry with them?
See, the thieves have only benefited your house very greatly in that they have thus made it clean!
'For truly, where in the future a house (the heart of man) is not thus cleansed, I shall not move into it!
This house is now purified from all worldly dross, and thus I like it very well!
For to begin with, it is open in all of its closets and rooms,
and secondly it is fully cleansed and thus is now quite suited for My entry; so do not be angry with the thieves, that their sin may not become greater!'
Joseph and all the others took these words to heart, and the little Child finally asserted:
'See, all mankind acts toward Me like these burned-out thieves toward this house, but I still do not let fire rain from heaven.
And in like manner do none of you curse those who do evil for good, so you will be true children of the one Father in heaven!' - These words completely becalmed Joseph, and he went into his house in good spirits.
