God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 251 -

Jonathan As A Friend in Need

WHEN ALL WERE in the house and Mary had also convinced herself that even her clothes cabinet and that of Eudokia were wholly plundered,
the tears came into her eyes as well as Eudokia's, and she complained to Joseph,
'Just look here, even the dress which I had in the temple has been robbed by wicked people!
Truly, this really upsets and hurts me in my heart!
We had only as few clothes as we absolutely needed, and still we had to lose even those.
For that matter, may everything be offered up to the Lord, but it pains me all the same because it was all I had for a necessary change of clothes.
Now I only have this already worn-out everyday dress and not even a shekel to purchase the most necessary change of clothing!
And that really hurts me! But it hurts me still more that the wicked thieves have also taken the underclothing of the little Child!
He now has nothing but the little shirt which He is wearing - how will I now be able to provide Him with a second one?
Oh my poor little Child, see, see, now I will not be able to put a fresh little shirt on you every day, which always made You feel so good!'
Here Jonathan, deeply touched, went over and said, 'Oh most honored, more than blessed mother of my Lord, do not mourn; for now I also have gold and silver!
With the greatest joy I will indeed give it to you to the last stater, and you can then use it according to your needs.
I do of course well know that the Lord of all glory does not look upon my gold and silver; for He who clothes all the animals and all the trees and plants so magnificently will all the less allow the mother of His body to, become naked.
But just the same, it would make me happy beyond measure if I could bring all of my wealth to you as an offering.
Oh mother, accept it from my heart!'
Here Mary looked at Jonathan in a most friendly manner and replied,
'Oh Jonathan, how big-hearted and noble you are! Your will counts as the deed with me.
And if it should be pleasing to the Lord, I would indeed ask you for some support for the little Child.
But if for some reason it should not be pleasing to the Lord, I have already received everything from your heart, for which I shall never cease to be grateful to you!'
Here the little Child came up and said to Jonathan, 'Dear Jonathan, give mother what she asks of you, and you will receive a great reward in My kingdom!
You see, we are really poor now, and that all the more since I must not work any wonder because of the salvation of mankind!'
At this Jonathan ran home full of joy and in a very short time brought all his gold and silver and laid it at Mary's feet.
When Mary and Joseph saw this, both wept for joy.
Jonathan wept with them and could not thank God enough that he was worthy of such grace from the Lord.
Hereupon the little Child blessed Jonathan and said to Mary, 'See, that will surely provide us with fresh linen, so be of good cheer again!' - And all became happy and cheerful again.
