God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 255 -

The Inward Nobility Of Mary

WHEN MARY saw her clothes again she was indeed glad, but at the same time she felt compassion toward those who had returned her clothes -
for she thought by herself: These have surely not received anything of the gold, therefore they took the poor clothes in their need.
Now they will probably be faced with great poverty.
Oh if they were only here, I would gladly give them the clothes or enough money so they could obtain clothing with it for themselves.
Here the little Child went over to Mary and said,
'Why mother, how beautiful you are today! - If you knew how beautiful you are, you could easily become vain!'
Here Mary smiled and asked the little One who was caressing her,
'Oh my dearest Jesus! Am I then not equally beautiful every day?'
And the little Child answered, 'Oh yes, you are always very beautiful indeed; but sometimes you are still a little more beautiful.
And today you are quite especially beautiful! - Truly, you are now surrounded by a thousand archangels, and each one wants to be the closest to you!'
Now Mary did not understand the words of the little Child and looked round about, whether any archangel was to be seen.
But she discerned nothing except what was in the room and therefore asked the little Child,
'Well, where then are the thousand archangels, since I am unable to see even one?'
Here the little Child replied: 'You cannot be permitted to see one because you might become vain!
But you are now so beautiful before all the angels of the heavens because such a great feeling of pity for the sufferings of others has arisen in your heart that it is nearly equal to Mine!
'See, to bring a just and humane penance on one's enemies is fitting and proper, and shall always be so on earth -
but to wholeheartedly forgive one's enemies their guilt and in addition do them good and bless them, see, that is purely divine!
That can only be accomplished by the infinite power of divine love;
for human love is too weak for that!
And because you have just done this as God does it, you are now so beautiful, for God is the above all greatest beauty as well as the highest love.
And now go and do what your heart desires, and My kingdom of love will become your own like a royal inheritance and you will be a queen therein forever!'
Here Mary promptly sent Jonathan after the thieves, whereupon he brought them back, and Mary richly meted out to them the money which Jonathan had given to her as well as to Joseph.
