God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 256 -

Joseph Reproves The Eminent Citizens

THIS ACT OF DIVINE LOVE caused the thieves to fall on their faces and cry out:
'Such kindness, such generosity is never a trait of men; only the gods who never die can still reward their enemies!
We deserved only punishment here for our great sin against you high gods,
but instead of punishing us as we deserved, you reward and bless us for our evil deeds!
Does that not make you gods? Yes, you are without doubt the highest lords of the heavens - for your deeds, the like of which we have never seen, bear witness to that!
Therefore honor, praise and glory to you by all people on earth!
And the power of all the princes of the earth shall bow eternally before your great splendor!'
Hereupon the thieves arose and went away filled with gratitude and esteem
and made this known in the whole city; and all the inhabitants quaked at such nearness of the gods and went furtively about and did not dare to work from sheer awe.
Soon thereafter the eminent citizens of Ostracine came to Joseph and asked him whether the story was really true which the mob was now shouting about in the half-burned city.
And Joseph answered, 'As concerns the good deed toward them, their shouting is correct;
for thus my wife did in fact act against them.
But that they hold us to be gods is a bad testimony for you who are great and wealthy.
For thereby the poor mob characterizes your extreme hardheartedness, since it sees nothing akin to godliness about you!
Do as my wife did, and as my whole house does, and the mob will soon cease to hold the inhabitants of my house for gods!'
When the high and mighty of the city heard this to them very applicable talk of Joseph, they were greatly embarrassed and went their way.
And they were convinced that Joseph was merely an above all wise and good man, but for all that no god.
From then on Joseph's house was left in peace.
And his family lived there another half year without being molested and was respected and esteemed by everyone.
During this time the little Child worked no more wonders and everyone lived there quite naturally. And Jonathan was more with Joseph than at home; for here was for him a most blessed existence.
