God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 257 -

The Departure From Egypt

ABOUT THIS TIME the child slayer Herod died, and his son Archelaus succeeded him to the throne.
This James told to Joseph and to Mary.
Hereupon Joseph asked James, 'I believe you; but how is that supposed to affect me?'
And James replied, 'That, father, the Lord did not give me to tell you;
but as the Lord heretofore has always shown you His will through the mouth of an angel, so will He also do now.
For it would not be in the divine order that a son should dictate to his father what ways he should take!'
Here Joseph asked, 'Do you really suppose that the Lord will do this with me?'
And James said, 'Father, this is the way I just heard it within me:
Even tonight I shall send My angel to you in a lucid dream, who will make My will known to you.
And as he will declare it to you, so also shall you act promptly according to his word!'
When Joseph heard this from James, he went outside and prayed to God and thanked Him for such advance knowledge through the mouth of his son James.
Joseph continued long in prayer and only after three hours did he go into the house and to rest.
And as he slept on his couch, giving his labor-weary limbs rest, there appeared to him in a dream the angel of the Lord and said to him:
'Arise, take the little Child and His mother, and go over into the land of Israel; for they who sought after the life of the little Child have died!'
When Joseph heard this, he quickly arose and made this known to Mary.
And Mary said, 'The Lord's will be done ever and always!
But how is it that you speak only of us three?' Are your children then to remain here?'
And Joseph answered, 'Oh not at all, for what the angel said to me naturally includes my whole house!
For thus the Lord also spoke to the prophets as if He were dealing with them alone -
but just the same the Lord's words always concerned the whole house of Jacob.'
These words were understood by all, and the sons promptly went outside to put everything in order for the departure.
But they returned full of surprise; for everything was already prepared for the departure, and for each person a fully packed donkey was ready with all the essential needs for the journey.
Joseph gave everything that remained to Jonathan, who was present here this night, then blessed him and told him to come to Nazareth in a year.
And the little Child also blessed him and kissed him. Jonathan wept at this sudden departure.
And Joseph mounted the pack animals still long before sunrise and thereupon made his departure by land.
