God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 264 -

Salome Prepares The Child's Favorite Food

VERY EARLY the next morning everyone in both houses had already arisen, and Salome was busy in her kitchen preparing a good breakfast of honeycakes, a tasty fish broth and several select fish,
among which the trout, which were often caught there in the mountain streams, were really the best.
When breakfast was ready, Salome hastened into the house of Joseph and invited Joseph and all the members of his household to breakfast.
At this Joseph objected, 'But my dear lady friend, why do you go to so much trouble because of me?
See, my sons also are already busy in the kitchen and are preparing an early meal;
so you really could have spared your kind hospitality.'
But Salome replied, 'Oh my truly esteemed friend! Please do not disdain the work of your handmaiden, and come.'
Here Joseph was deeply moved, called everyone in his house together and went with Salome to her house for breakfast.
At the doorstep Cornelius awaited them and welcomed them all in the most heartfelt manner.
And Joseph was filled with joy because he fully recognized his friend Cornelius again in the sunlight.
All now went into the attractive dining room where the breakfast awaited the guests.
And when the little Child beheld the fish on the table, He smiled, ran over to Salome and said to her,
'But whoever told you that I like to eat fish?
There you have really made Me very happy, for that is above all my favorite dish.
I do of course also like to eat the honeycakes, as well as the fish-broth with wheat bread;
but I still would rather have the fish than any of the other foods.
So it was very thoughtful of you to be so concerned for Me, and I now love you for it quite especially!'
At this praise from the little Child Salome again was beside herself with joy and wept.
Here the little Child said, 'Salome, see, it seems that you always weep when you are very happy about something;
but you see, I am no friend of weeping. Therefore you must not always weep when something makes you happy, and I will be more fond of you still. -
See, I really would like to eat the fish while sitting on your lap;
but I just do not trust Myself to sit there, because you might weep entirely too much from all your joy!'
Here Salome pulled herself together as much as she could and said to the little Child,
'O Lord! Who indeed can behold You without tears in his eyes?'
And the little Child answered, 'Just look at My brothers here, they also see Me daily and still do not weep when they see Me!'
Thereupon Salome was calm again, and everyone went to the table where the little Child took His place on Salome's lap.
