God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 265 -

Cornelius Becalms Joseph's Fears

WHEN THE BREAKFAST was over, Joseph conferred with Cornelius concerning King Archelaus and inquired closely as to what sort of man he was, and how he ruled.
And Cornelius said to Joseph, 'Truly exalted man and friend! If I and my brother Cyrenius did not keep him from digressing, he would be ten times more cruel than his father was.
But as it is we have greatly curbed his power for good reasons, and thus he may do nothing except only to collect his taxes, and that according to our estimate.
And if those liable to taxation should for any reason refuse to pay the taxes he must refer the matter to us,
failing which we can at any time give him the emperor's dethronement document, which I always have at hand, and then declare him without power before the people.
So you need not have the least fear of this king;
for it just is not expedient for him to ever act against the existing statutes in any way,
or tomorrow he is not a king any more, but instead a despised, powerless slave of Rome!
Friend, I would say that you do not need any more for your peace of mind.
'I am now the prefect of Jerusalem, and my brother Cyrenius is, so to speak, the vice-emperor of Asia and Africa, and we are your friends.
I believe that, speaking in a worldly sense, a better guarantee probably cannot be had by anyone in any country.
And the by far greatest guarantee for your peace and safety surely dwells in your house!
So do not worry now in the least, and follow your to me already known calling without timidity or fear.
And when the taxes are determined, I shall be sure to select a column that will not hurt your!'
When Joseph heard this from Cornelius, he was restored to his usual happy and tranquil mood.
Cornelius now discovered the five girls of Cyrenius, and also Eudokia, who seemed to be quite well-known to him but whom he did not recognize here.
He therefore asked Joseph concerning the particular circumstances of these girls.
And Joseph told him everything according to the facts without any false modesty.
When Cornelius thus learned how generously and most unselfishly Joseph acted toward his brother Cyrenius,
it made him so happy that he kissed Joseph, then called his brother's children over to himself and caressed and kissed them also.
He then assured Joseph, 'Because you act thus toward my brother, you shall also be tax-free for all time, like every citizen of Rome; and today I shall fasten the emperor's charter on your house myself!' - And Joseph was very happy thereat, as well as all those present.
