God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 267 -

The Child's Promise To Cornelius

WHEN CORNELIUS had sufficiently discussed everything with Eudokia which he felt he should know,
and saw therefrom that her statements were in perfect agreement with the letter from his brother,
he turned to Joseph again and said to him,
'Venerated man! Now I am altogether in the clear in everything.
I do not want to ask you how and why you left Egypt again even though you were provided there with everything in every way;
for I know that you do not do otherwise than your God commands you to do.
And since you act thus exactly according to the will of your God, so also are your actions always good and just before God and that part of the world which thinks, wills and acts according to established law as I do.
'But I still would like to ask you about one thing before my departure to Jerusalem,
which is this: See, I still see before me all of the wondrous manifestations which took place at your Child's birth as if they just happened.
But now I see that this so miraculous quality seems to have wholly disappeared from Him. Tell me, how is that to be understood?'
And Joseph answered, 'Oh friend, how can you ask so strangely there?
Did you not hear the Child speak with Salome a little while ago?
Do all children of men speak with such depth of wisdom at this age?
Do you not find such speech from the mouth of a three-year-old Child just as remarkable as each manifestation at the birth in Bethlehem?'
Here Cornelius said, 'There you are no doubt right - but as far as that goes, this wonder is nothing new to me.
You see, on several occasions in Rome I have already heard children who were one year old and who were born under quite ordinary circumstances say truly remarkable things!
For that reason your extraordinary Child has not fulfilled my great expectations here.'
At this the little Child came to Cornelius and said to him,
'Cornelius, be satisfied with the burden which I have placed upon your shoulders;
for you would have to become a mountain of granite if you wanted to load a larger burden of My will up on your shoulders!
So do not ask more of Me before the proper time.
And at the right time I shall surely do enough for you and for all the world!'
When Cornelius heard this, he inquired no more and soon thereafter had his belongings put in order for his departure.
