God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 268 -

Joseph's House Receives A Roman Charter

IN TWO HOURS Cornelius was ready for the journey but in the meantime he went with Joseph to the latter's house where he, as promised, affixed a little iron plaque with the emperor's picture and name to the door.
This little plaque was the imperial symbol of immunity or the same as a charter according to which the king of that particular country holding a Roman tenure was not permitted to exercise any right over such a house.
When Cornelius finished with this task, he took his stylus and wrote on the door underneath the plaque in the Roman language,
'Tabulam hanc libertatis Romanae secundum judicum Caesaris Augusti suamque volun-tatem affigit Cornelius Archidux Hierosolymae in plena potestate urbis Romae.'
When Cornelius also finished this inscription, he said to Joseph,
'Now, my esteemed friend, your house and your calling are free from any sort of tax which Archelaus might levy upon you.
You need only see to the payment of the yearly denarius as tribute to Rome, which it is to be hoped you will easily be able to spare!
This denarius you can deposit either in Jerusalem itself or also here in Nazareth at the imperial office, which will give you a receipt.
And thus you are now freed from all persecutions on the part of the tenure king; but affix a little grating over the plaque so no one will steal it from you and spoil my signature!'
Joseph thanked the Lord God in his heart for so much grace and blessed Cornelius therefor.
Here the little Child also went over to Cornelius and said to him:
'Now listen to Me a little, for I want to tell you something also as a great reward!
See, you now have done the house of Joseph a great kindness;
and I shall, in days to come, also do in like manner to your whole house!
Even if this house is not the property of my foster father, but only the property of Salome because she has bought it,
just the same I shall make good many times on your very own house what you have done for this house of Salome.
You have fastened the imperial symbol of immunity to the door of the house with your own hand and have added your signature to it.
So also shall I, in days to come, spread out My Spirit over your whole house, through which you will receive the eternal freedom of the heavens of God and with it the eternal, imperishable life in My kingdom!'
Here Cornelius picked up the little Child and kissed Him and smiled at His strange promise;
for how could he actually have understood what the little Child had spoken to him in such divine depth of wisdom?
And the little Child said: 'You will understand that only when My Spirit will come over you!' - Thereupon the little Child ran over to His James again. Cornelius now took his leave, and Joseph began to order everything in the house according to his needs.
