God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 269 -

Joseph Decides To Visit Friends And Relatives

WHEN JOSEPH, with the active help of Salome, had put everything in his house in good order on this day, he thanked God and was full of joy that he had been so well received again in the land of his fathers.
The following day, after he had given over the care of the household to his four sons for the day, he said to Mary,
'Mary, my faithful wife! See, we have a number of relatives and other good friends and acquaintances here in the town.
Go and take the little Child, and James, and if you wish, Eudokia with the five girls,
and let us devote this day to visiting all of our relatives, friends and acquaintances here in Nazareth and the surrounding country,
so they, who no doubt have long felt sorry for me, may also be happy to have us back once more!
And perhaps I will find an opportunity to follow my trade again, so I can earn the daily bread for all of you.'
Mary quite joyfully agreed to this suggestion and put everything in order for this purpose.
Only the little Child at first did not want to go along. But when He was coaxed by His mother, He allowed Himself to be dressed and induced to go along.
But He said, 'I will indeed go with you, but no one shall carry Me!
For when I walk, I want to walk among you wherever you decide to go.
Now do not ask Me why I want it that way, for I do not say everything right out as to why I want to do something one way or the other!'
Here Mary said to the little Child, 'Oh, You will gladly allow Yourself to be carried soon enough when You become really tired!'
And the little Child retorted: 'Oh, you need not worry about that. I never get tired if I do not want to.
But if I want to, I also get tired, but then My weariness is a judgment for men;
for only the sin of men can bring Me to the point where I must want to become tired because of their sin!
'Now I want to impress upon you above everything else that none of you make Me known under any circumstance!
For it is enough that you know that I am the Lord.
You know it without judgment, for your hearts are from the heavens.
But if the children of the earth found it out before the proper time, they would be judged and would have to die!
That is why I did not want to go along at first.
I had to tell you this beforehand; and now that you know it, I will of course go with you.
But understand, I will only walk and not be carried, so the earth will find out through My steps who now walks her ground!'
All remembered these words well and promptly made their way to their relatives, friends and acquaintances.
