God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 273 -

The Messiah Will Found A Spiritual Kingdom

AFTER A WHILE the doctor inquired of Joseph,
'But friend and brother! What in the Lord's name sort of a Child do you have there, who already talks as wisely as a high priest in the temple of the Lord, when he stands before the most holy sanctuary bedecked with the Urim and Thummim?
Truly, He spoke only a few words and they penetrated to my very marrow!
You did of course tell me in your story how the Child was the reason for your flight into Egypt, and sketchily told me a number of strange things about His birth,
from which I surmised that in time, if this Child would go through the Essenes' school of the prophets, He might come out a great prophet.
But as I now have heard Him speak, He just does not need the school of the Essenes;
for thus He already is a prophet of the first degree like a Samuel and like an Elias and Isaiah!'
At this Joseph was a bit embarrassed and did not know what sort of an answer he should give his friend so soon.
Here the little Child came to Joseph again and said to him,
'Just leave the doctor in his faith; for he too is called to the kingdom of God, but he shall not find out too much at one time!'
When the doctor heard these words also, he said in great surprise,
'Yes, yes brother Joseph! I have spoken correctly to you!
That Child is already a prophet who will declare to us the promised Messiah, whose coming is near;
for He just spoke plainly of the kingdom of God, to which I am also to be called.
Now do I indeed realize why this little Samuel has just consoled you with a Lord who is mightier than Rome.
Yes, when the Messiah comes, then the same thing will happen to Rome as once happened to Jericho in the days of Joshua!'
Here the little Child asserted, 'Oho, friend, what are you saying? Do you not know that it is written: No prophet shall come out of Galilee!
And if so, who then may He be who comes forth from the tribe of David?
I tell you this: When the Messiah will come, He will pull no sword against Rome,
but will only have His spiritual kingdom proclaimed through His messengers on earth!'
Here the doctor was taken aback and declared after a while, 'Truly, in You God has visited His people!'
And Joseph agreed with the doctor, but made no further explanation.
