God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 275 -

The Doctor Comes Into A Great Reputation

WHEN THE DOCTOR saw this miraculous healing of the girl whom he had declared to be wholly incurable,
he was almost breathless in his great wonderment and said to Joseph,
'Oh brother, I beg you, go away from here,
for I am becoming greatly afraid in my heart!
See, I am a sinful man, and the Spirit of the Lord is obviously present in your Child!
For how can a poor sinner endure before the allseeing and almighty Spirit of the Most High?'
Here the little Child went over to the doctor and said to him,
'Man! Why are you so foolish now and are afraid of Me?
Just what harm did I do to you that you now fear Me so?
Do you really suppose the healing of the girl was a wonder?
I say to you: not at all, for you need only undertake to treat the other patients in this manner, and they will be healed!
Go over, awaken their faith, then lay your hands on them, and they will get well in an instant!
But first you must firmly believe yourself that you can help them in this manner and also will help them without fail!'
When the doctor heard this from the little Child he took hold of a firm faith, went over to the patients and did to them according to the advice of the little Child.
And lo, all the patients became well immediately, paid the doctor what they owed him, and honored and praised God that He gave such power to man!
In this wise the miraculous nature of the Child conveniently fell away before the eyes of the world.
And the doctor came into a very great reputation,
and many sick people came to him from far and near and found their healing.
When the twelve-year-old girl saw that the doctor thus healed miraculously, she supposed that the Child had done this through the doctor, and thereupon praised the doctor's wisdom also.
Against this the little Child made no complaint, for He had lent such power to the doctor that He would not be suspected.
Only Joseph said to the girl, 'Girl, consider that all power comes from above!
And since you are not in anyone's service now, come into my house and you shall be provided for!' - Thereupon the girl promptly attached herself to Joseph and went with him.
