God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 276 -

Joseph Visits The Schoolteacher Dumas

WHEN JOSEPH TOOK his leave after several private words with the doctor concerning possible work in his trade as a carpenter, the doctor accompanied him to a nearby friend named Dumas who was a school teacher in Nazareth.
Then the doctor went home, and Joseph went inside to Dumas.
The latter did not recognize him at first; for he had not though about his old friend for a long time.
Here Joseph asked him whether he really did not know him any more.
At this Dumas rubbed his forehead and said,
'You do have a striking resemblance with a certain Joseph who had difficulties here three years ago because of a certain temple wench;
for this otherwise most upright man also had to go to Bethlehem to be recorded, and that with his whole family.
What happened to him after that, I do not know.
You do greatly resemble this to me highly venerated man; but you surely are not he?'
And Joseph answered, 'And if I still were the same, would you not send me some work in my trade?
You see, I now live on my little farmstead again.'
When Dumas heard this from Joseph, he said,
'Yes, now it is plain, you are he, you are truly my old friend and brother Joseph!
But where in heaven's name do you come from now?'
Joseph replied, 'Brother, first give me a wet cloth, so I may clean my feet from the dust, then you shall hear everything that should be told.'
Dumas immediately had a wet cloth brought, and a jug of water, and all those with Joseph washed their feet and then went into the school house of Dumas.
Here Joseph with a minimum of words told his three-year story.
In the meantime the little Child occupied Himself with a few school children who were there just then and were learning to read and to write a little.
One of the school children promptly read something to the little Child, but made a number of errors.
At this the little Child smiled right along and industriously corrected the errors for the reader.
This soon caught the attention of all the school children and they asked Him when and where He had learned to read so well.
And the little Child replied, 'Oh that is just born in Me!'
Here all the children laughed, then went and told all this to Dumas; and the latter thereupon became observant of the Child and began to ask Joseph concerning such capability of the little Child.
