God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 282 -

The Wages Of The Shepherd Boy

WHEN JOSEPH'S HOUSE was thus left in peace, since the chief judge would not accept any more complaints against Joseph,
it so happened eight days later that Joseph had to go into a neighboring village to a building site.
On this occasion the little Jesus wanted to go with Joseph, and Joseph was more than glad to take Him along.
But the parents of the shriveled boy were filled with strong anger against Joseph and his Child.
Now to go into the village, Joseph had to go past the house of this boy's parents.
When Joseph came near the house with the little Jesus, he was noticed,
and the angry neighbor said to one of his also very headstrong servant boys, who usually herded his sheep,
'See, there comes the carpenter up the path just now with his pestilential Brood.
Go, and run down this path with all your might.
And when you get to the Boy at the side of the carpenter, thrust Him down with all your strength, so He will be left dead!
After that the old scoundrel can prosecute me - and I shall then show him the law that children under twelve years of age cannot be held accountable in worldly matters!'
When the shepherd boy heard this from his master who had also promised him a good reward if he killed the Child,
the boy suddenly ran out of the room and toward Joseph in great haste.
At this moment the shriveled son Annas, who was in bed, said to his father,
'Oh look, how quickly does the shepherd boy run toward his death, and what sorrow that will be for his parents!
Oh father, you should not have done that! For I tell you, as I see it now: Joseph is just, and holy his Child!'
Thereupon the gaunt boy was silent, and his father thought about the words of his son.
But at that moment the shepherd boy in furious haste came upon the little Jesus and butted Him on the shoulder with considerable force.
Despite this the little Jesus did not fall, and He said to the shepherd boy in a greatly excited tone of voice,
'That you did for the sake of a reward! Thus every laborer is worthy of his hire, and - as the labor, so also the reward.
Your labor was to kill Me; therefore let death be your reward also!'
Here the shepherd boy suddenly sank down and was dead.
Joseph was greatly frightened at this; but the little Jesus said, 'Joseph, have no fear on My account; for what here happened to a boy, that will happen to the whole world if it wants to strike us!' - Thereupon Joseph went his way and left the dead boy laying there according to the will of the Child.
