God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 291 -

Archelaus - A Scourge Of God

ANOTHER TIME, again on the day before the Sabbath, several neighbors came to Joseph with their children so they might consult with him about several matters which were pressing them;
for these neighbors knew that Joseph was on very good terms with the prefect.
It was about this time that Joseph received a letter from Cyrenius in Tyre, who upon his return from Rome inquired about the welfare of Joseph and especially about the little Jesus.
Concerning this letter the neighbors knew nothing,
nor did they know that Joseph was such a great friend of the governor Cyrenius.
Here Joseph wanted to display the letter to them and thus give his neighbors a sure consolation,
since he wanted to show them therewith how most effectively he would take their part with the governor against the tenant king,
and that all the more surely with the best results because Eudokia and the five maidens belonged wholly to Cyrenius.
At that moment the little Jesus quickly spoke to Joseph and said in an impassioned manner,
'Joseph, Joseph, never do that, for I am the Lord!
If you show the letter, then I shall smite the earth - for I am the Lord also over Rome, and not Cyrenius, and not Augustus Caesar.
I tell you: If the people were better than the tenant king, I then would know how to take care of Archelaus.
But since the people are not an iota better, just let them bear their own burden in the tenant king, who is a miser like the entire people.
'Was it not said: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and so forth? So let it also be said: greed for greed, jealousy for jealousy.
Accordingly Archelaus is indeed a true physician to this hard-hearted people, and he shall remain as he is until his end!'
These words vexed the neighbors, and they said,
'That would be a rare fellow of a Messiah for us!
Us He scolds and therefore praises the heathen Archelaus!'
Thereupon the little Jesus stamped His heel into the ground and commanded,
'Earth, quake, so your blind children may know that It is I, your Lord!'
And suddenly fire escaped the stamped spot, and the ground quaked mightily.
At this all those present took fright and asked, 'Just What really is that Child? For the earth actually quakes before Him.
Let us depart from here, for it is not safe to be near this Child!' - And all soon left Joseph and hurried away. - And thus Joseph was again freed from a great danger.
