God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 292 -

The Reawakening Of Salome's Dead Servant

WHEN JESUS WAS a little over six years old, Salome had a dead tree felled and then had it split and cut up by her men-servants for firewood.
On this occasion a young man-servant who was quite proud of his capacity to work said to his three fellow-servants,
'Just leave this work of splitting to me, and I will be done with the whole tree as quickly as the three of you together!'
And the other servants gladly left this honor to him.
He then took his sharp axe and chopped away very industriously.
But in his zeal he missed a swing and instead of the wood struck his foot and split it from toe to heel.
At this he sank to the ground and screamed for help, and everyone rushed over to him, but no one had anything with which to bandage his foot.
And thus the young man soon lost all of his blood and thereupon died.
In the meantime Joseph's house also heard the shouting and lament at the near-by house of Salome.
And Jesus ran over quickly and pushed through the surrounding crowd to the already dead servant.
Upon reaching the dead man, He quickly seized his split foot, pressed it firmly together and healed it in an instant.
When the foot was healed in this manner, He seized the servant's hand and said,
'Listen, you vain young man! I say to you: Arise and continue to split your wood!
But from now on give up your vanity and never desire to labor beyond your strength,
and you will easily guard yourself from similar accidents in the future;
for your fellow-servants also have the strength for their work from God, and you shall not put them to shame, anytime or anywhere.
'Now if one of your fellow servants is intentionally lazy and idle, the Lord will be sure to find him;
but it shall never be up to you to set yourself up as his judge by vain and overdone industry.'
Here the young servant arose once more in full strength and resumed splitting wood.
Thereupon all those present fell down on their knees before the Boy Jesus and said,
'Praise and honor to the power of God in You; for the Lord has already bestowed the fullness of divine power upon You at an early age!'
And Jesus quickly returned to His home, for he did not want the praise of men.
