God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 294 -

The Thousand-fold Harvest

AFTER THIS WONDER Jesus remained inactive for about two years and obeyed Joseph and Mary in all things.
And in His eighth year a very bad harvest year appeared; for a great dry spell came, and all the green crops withered.
It was already the seventh month, and nothing green was to be seen anywhere; in many cases the cattle had to be slaughtered, or it became necessary to have hay and grain brought from Egypt and Asia Minor at a high price.
Joseph himself lived mainly from the fish that Jonathan brought him every week, and fed his domestic animals with the reed grass which Jonathan also sent him.
Finally clouds appeared in the seventh month, and it began to rain sparingly now and then.
Joseph thereupon told his four oldest sons, 'Harness the oxen to the plow, and we will sow some wheat into the ground in the name of the Lord.
Who knows, perhaps the Lord will still bless it, since we may after all count Him as our Son and Brother whom He sent into the world.
To be sure, He has not worked any wonders through Him now for two years, so that we already have as good as forgotten His eminence on that account;
but who knows, whether this bad year is not the result of our forgetfulness toward Him who so divinely came to us from above!'
Here the now eight year old Jesus went over to Joseph and said to him, 'Good, father Joseph! All of you have never forgotten Me; therefore I will go with you to lay the wheat into the furrows!'
This made Joseph very happy indeed; and Mary and all the others in the house declared,
'Yes, yes, where the dear Jesus will sow, a rich harvest will surely come up!'
And Jesus agreed smilingly, 'I am of that opinion too. Truly, in vain shall no seed fall into the ground by Me.'
Hereupon the plowing and sowing began. Joseph sowed to the left of the plow, and Jesus to the right.
And thus the acre was fully cultivated in half a day.
Soon thereafter a plentiful rain fell, and the wheat sprang up after taking a firm hold and as a summer crop came to a very gratifying maturity in three months.
And here it was noted that the ears which the Boy Jesus had sown on the right-hand side had five hundred kernels throughout, while those of Joseph had only thirty to forty kernels.
At this all were greatly surprised, and when the grain was finally threshed out on the threshing-floor, only then did the blessing of God show itself in full measure:
For from each measure of wheat that was sown, exactly one thousand measures were reaped: a harvest which no one had ever experienced!
And since Joseph had such a great supply, he kept seventy measures of wheat for himself and distributed nine hundred and thirty measures among the neighbors.
And therewith an entire locality was helped with this wonderful harvest.
And many neighbors came and praised and honored the power of God in the Boy Jesus.
But the Latter admonished them towards love to God and to their neighbors and said to everyone, 'Love is better than praise, and a proper piety towards God is worth more than a burnt offering!' - During this time the withered boy also regained his health.
