God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 293 -

The Broken Water Jug

NOW MARY still had the jug wherein she carried water when the angel delivered the most holy message to her.
She had a high regard for this jug - indeed it was a downright sacred relic to her,
and she did not even like to have anyone take this jug and drink from it.
And one time, about eight days after the wonder had taken place at Salome's, Mary was alone in the house with Jesus.
She was busy washing and needed fresh water,
so she went over to Jesus and said to Him, 'You could easily get me a jug full of fresh water -
here, You may even use this jug which was sanctified through You!'
Jesus took the jug and went to the well with it, near which Joseph was performing a few chores with the other children.
Hereupon Jesus hit the jug somewhat roughly against a rock, and it fell to the ground broken in many pieces.
One of the girls saw this and said, 'Ouch, oh, oh! That will be bad - now the holy jug of the housemistress is gone! - But my dear Jesus, why were You not more careful?
My, but mother will be cross with You for that! Oh, oh, You can really look forward to that!'
This seemed to irk Jesus somewhat, and He said to the girl,
'What is it to you what I do? - You just see to it that you finish your spinning.
I shall still bring plenty of fresh water to Mary despite the broken jug.'
And the girl declared, 'I certainly would like to see just how one can bring fresh water into the house without a jug.'
Here Jesus quickly took His little red coat, gathered it together at the ends, dipped water with it and carried it into the house to Mary without losing a drop.
And they all followed Him into the house because of this wonder.
When Mary saw this, she was shocked and asked, 'But Child, what happened to the jug?'
And Jesus answered, 'See, that has long been a thorn in My eye! Therefore I tested its miraculous power against a rock -
and lo, there was none about nor in it; so it immediately broke into little pieces.
Now I would say that where I am, I certainly should be considered as more important than some stupid jug, which is not an iota better than any other.'
To these words Mary said no more and engraved them deep into her heart.
The girl did not say any more either; for she loved Jesus.
And Jesus said to her, 'See, that way I like you better than when you wag your tongue needlessly.' - And the girl was content with this little rebuke and thereupon spun her yarn industriously.
