God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 3 -

The Annunciation

ON A FRIDAY MORNING Mary again took the water jug and went out to fill it with water, when lo, - a voice said to her,
'Greetings to you, rich in the grace of the Lord! The Lord is with you, oh consecrated among women!'
Mary was greatly frightened at such voice, for she did not know whence it came and therefore looked nimbly about to the right and left - but she could discover no one who might have spoken.
She therefore was seized with still more tormenting fear, hastily took the filled water jug and hurried away into the house.
Quakingly arrived there, she quickly set the water jug aside, again took the purple in hand, sat down on her workstool and recommenced to spin the purple quite industriously.
But hardly had she fully reaccustomed herself to her work, when behold, there before the busy maiden stood the angel of the Lord and said to her:
'Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found infinitely great favor before the face of the Lord. Behold, you will become pregnant by the Word of God!'
When Mary heard this, she began to weigh these words back and forth and could not grasp their meaning, wherefore she said to the angel,
'But how shall that take place? For I am still a long way from being a man's wife and also have never made the acquaintance of any man, who then might take me as his wife, so I might become pregnant like other women and bear child as they do!'
And the angel said to Mary: 'Hear, you chosen maiden of God! It shall not happen in that manner, but the power of the Lord will overshadow you.
Therefore that holy Thing which will be born of you will be called: the Son of the Almighty!
And when He is born, you shall give Him the name: Jesus - for He will redeem His people from all sins, from judgment and from eternal death.'
Here Mary fell down before the angel and said, 'Behold, I am only a handmaiden of the Lord; so let it be done to me according to His will, as made known by your words!' Hereupon the angel disappeared, and Mary returned to her work.
