God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 4 -

Mary Entreats The Lord For Grace

WHEN THE ANGEL had disappeared, Mary praised and glorified the Lord God and spoke in her heart,
'Oh what am I before You, O Lord, that You should show me such grace?
I shall become pregnant without ever having known a man, for I just do not know what difference there is between me and a man.
'Do I really know what it is to be pregnant? - O Lord, see, I just do not know.
Do I know what is meant when people say: A woman gives birth? - O Lord, look upon me graciously. I am just a maiden of fourteen years, and have only heard speak of that - and actually know nothing about it.
Oh, what will happen to me when I shall become pregnant - and do not know how such a condition is!
What will father Joseph say to that, so I shall tell him, or will he notice that I am pregnant?
'But being pregnant cannot be anything bad, especially when a handmaiden of the Lord, as once Sarah, is chosen for that by the Lord Himself!
For I have heard it said a number of times in the temple, what great joy the women have when they are with child.
Therefore pregnancy must be something quite good and highly blessed and I shall also rejoice when it is given me of God that I shall conceive!
'But when, when will this be and how? Or has it happened already? Have I already conceived, or is this still to happen?
O Lord, You eternally Holy One of Israel, do give me, Your poor handmaiden, a sign when such shall happen so I might exalt and praise You!'
At these words Mary felt a light breath of air and a very gentle voice said to her,
'Mary, do not concern yourself vainly; you have conceived, and the Lord is with you! Go to your work and complete it, for henceforth no more work of this kind will done for the temple.'
Hereupon Mary fell down, prayed to God and praised and exalted Him for such grace. And when she had offered her praise to the Lord, she arose and returned to her work.
