God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 65 -

The Violent Storm

BUT THE SONS of Joseph did not want to leave the cradle at all, for too great was their love for their divine little Brother.
Since it had already become quite late, Joseph said to the sons,
'You now have sufficiently shown that you love the Baby.
It is late at night and tomorrow will again dawn early, so you may retire in the name of the Lord.
The Baby is already asleep, so place the crib carefully beside the bed of the mother and then go to your bedchamber.'
Joseph had just finished speaking, when the Baby opened His eyes and said:
'Remain here for the night, all of you, and set the bedchamber aside for strangers who will take refuge here even tonight.
For a most violent storm will soon overrun this region, the like of which has never been seen here.
But let none of you be afraid, for not a hair on anyone's head will be harmed thereby!
And be sure to bar no doors because of it, so the fugitives may save themselves in this house!'
Joseph was alarmed at this prediction of the Child and quickly went outside to see from whence the mighty storm would come.
But when he was outside, he could not see even a small cloud anywhere; the sky was wholly clear and not a breeze stirred.
A silence of the grave was spread over the whole country and there was no whisper of an approaching storm.
Therefore Joseph promptly went back, gave God the glory and remarked,
'The Child probably dreamt, for there is no sign whatever of a storm.
The sky is clear in all directions and not a breeze stirs - from where should a storm come?'
Joseph had hardly finished speaking these words, when suddenly a clap was heard as from a thousand thunders. The earth quaked so violently that a number of houses and temples collapsed in the city.
Immediately thereafter such a violent tempest began to rage that tall waves from the nearby sea were driven into the city, and all the people, awakened by the mighty earth-shock, rushed out of the city to the more highly situated suburbs.
Cyrenius himself with Maronius and all his aids soon came in hasty flight to Joseph in the villa and hurriedly sketched the scenes of horror that were caused by the earthquake and the storm.
Hereupon Joseph quieted Cyrenius by immediately telling him what the Baby had said a short while ago. At this Cyrenius began to breathe more easily and the raging of the storm ceased to alarm him, for he felt himself to be well protected.
