God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 66 -

The Master Of The Storm

WHEN CYRENIUS had regained his composure, he went to the crib and regarded the Child, his breast filled with great thoughts.
The Baby slept quite calmly and the terrible raging of the storm did not disturb His sleep.
But in a short time the hurricane began to thrust so fiercely against the building that Cyrenius feared it might collapse.
He therefore said to Joseph, 'Esteemed friend! I believe that because of the constantly increasing power of the storm we would do better to leave this building.
For how easily can a mighty whirlwind seize this - although firm - building and bury us all beneath the rubble!
Therefore we would do better to take flight early, since we cannot be sure that the same thing may not happen here as well as in the city!'
Here the Baby suddenly reopened His heavenly, divine eyes, immediately recognized Cyrenius and said to him very clearly:
'Cyrenius, when you are with Me, you need not be afraid of this storm -
for also the storms, like all the world, lie in the hand of your God!
The storms are necessary and must put to flight the hatched-out evil of hell!
But they can never harm those who are around Me, for the storms also know their Master and do not do what they do planlessly.
For the One who is most loving, wise and almighty, holds their reins in His hand.
Therefore, My Cyrenius, be without fear here with Me, and be assured that not a hair on anyone's head will be harmed!
These storms know exactly who is at home here.
See, this evening the people accorded fiery honors even to you, who are only a human being!
But here the storms honor Someone who is more than only a human being. Do you find that to be unreasonable?
See, that is a song of praise from nature, which honors its Creator! Is that not reasonable?
Oh Cyrenius, the air which wafts against you also understands Him who created it - that is why it can also praise Him!'
These words of the Baby, which soon slumbered again, brought all to silence and Cyrenius knelt down by the crib and secretly worshiped Him.
