God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 88 -

The Death And Reawakening Of Joel

JOSEPH NOW told his sons to complete their unfinished chores and then to retire.
And since his limbs were weary, he also promptly retired.
Thus this day, which was rich in experience, came to a close. -
The following day Joseph was up as usual a good while before sunrise and also awakened his sons to work.
For he said, 'The early bird catches the worm - what we do in the morning is more blessed than all the rest of the day's toil.'
Thus, with the exception of James who had to remain with the Baby, he went right out to an acre and cultivated it with the other four sons.
Now the oldest son labored most industriously and wanted to surpass the other three.
And behold, as he quite busily struck the spade into the earth, he suddenly lifted a very poisonous snake out of the ground.
And the snake moved quickly against him and bit him in the foot.
Hereupon the three younger brothers rushed over and killed the snake - but for all that the brother's foot swelled up visibly. A dizziness came over him, and he soon sank down into death.
Joseph and the three younger brothers began to lament and entreated God to restore Joel to life again for them.
And Joseph put a curse on the snake and said to the three, 'From now on a snake shall never more crawl on this ground!
Now pick up your brother and carry him home, for it must thus have pleased the Lord that He took the heir away from me!'
And the three brothers wept and carried Joel home, and Joseph rent his garment and followed them lamenting.
When they came to the house, Mary, who was holding the Child and had become frightened by the lament, quickly came to meet them, and James followed her.
Both emitted a cry of anguish when they beheld the lifeless Joel and Joseph with his rent garment.
The three priests also came over quickly and were considerably shocked at the sight of the corpse.
And one of them admitted to Joseph, 'Only now do I fully believe that you are only a man - for if you were a god, how could your children die, and how would you fail to promptly awaken them?'
Here the Baby said: 'You are all mistaken! Joel is in a stupor and sleeps - but he is not dead!
Go and bring a sea-onion; lay it upon his wound, and it soon will be better with him!'
In haste Joseph went after such an onion and laid it upon Joel's wound.
In a few moments Joel awoke and asked them all what had happened to him.
Those around him quickly told him everything and praised and honored God for saving him, and the three priests came into a great respect of the Child - but into a still greater respect of the onion.
