God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 89 -

A Penitent Heart The Only Acceptable Sacrifice

FOLLOWING THIS Joseph with his entire family promptly went into the bedroom and honored and praised God loudly an hour long
and also made a vow by which he bound himself to bring a sacrifice to the Lord as soon as he should come to Jerusalem again.
Hereupon the Baby said to Joseph: 'Now listen to Me! Do you suppose that the Lord is pleased with that?
Oh, there you are greatly mistaken! See, neither in burnt offerings, nor in the blood of animals and just as little in flour, oil and grain does the Lord take pleasure,
but solely in a penitent, remorseful and humble heart that loves Him above all things.
If you have anything to spare, then give to those who are hungry and thirsty, and you will bring the Lord a fitting sacrifice!
I therefore release you from your vow and the duty for the temple because I have the full power to do so.
And I shall one day fill your vow in Jerusalem Myself in such a way that the whole earth will be satiated thereby for eternity!'
Here Joseph took the Baby on his arms and kissed Him and then said to Him,
'My dearly beloved little Jesus, Your Joseph thanks You for that from his whole heart and recognizes the wholly divine truth of Your most wonderful declaration,
but You see, God, Your and all our Father, has still ordained such through Moses and the prophets and ordered us, His children, to keep it!
Oh tell me, my little Son: do You, although of divine and hallowed descent, really have the right to suspend the laws of the great Father who eternally lives in His heavens?'
And the Baby answered: 'Joseph, though I were to tell you who I am, you would not believe Me anyhow since you see in Me only a human being!
But I tell you just the same that where I am, there also is the Father - and where I am not, there neither is the Father!
I am now here and not in the temple - how then should the Father be in the temple?
Do you understand that? - Behold, where the Father's love is, there also is His heart. And the Father's love is within Me and therewith also His heart!
Now no one carries his heart outside of himself, and so neither does the Father - where His heart is, there He is also! Do you understand this?'
These words filled Joseph, Mary as well as the five sons with a profound, sacred presentiment. And they went outside and praised the so-near Father in their hearts; and Mary then prepared a morning meal.
