God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 90 -

A Pagan Custom Is Rejected For The Lord's Table

THE MORNING MEAL was soon prepared, for it consisted of nothing else than a pot of simmered milk, some honey with thyme, and bread.
Mary brought it on the table herself and called Joseph and the five sons as well as the three priests to the table.
Joseph soon appeared with the Child on his arm, handed Him to the mother and then went to the table.
Here he promptly struck up his song of praise to the Lord, and when the song of praise was rendered Joseph asked according to the usual custom whether everyone had washed.
Mary, the five sons and the Baby said, 'Yes, we are all washed quite well.'
Joseph replied, 'Then you may also eat. But what about you three? Did you also wash?'
Here the priests said, 'It is not the custom with us to wash with water in the morning, but only in the evening.
In the morning we anoint ourselves with oil, so the heat of the day will not bother us too much.'
And Joseph retorted, 'That may be in order, for if I came into your house I would do the same as you -
but since you are now my guests then observe my custom, for it is better than yours.'
But the priests asked that they might be exempted therefrom.
At this Joseph wanted to let the priests off from washing-
but the Baby asserted, 'Truly, to stone shall every bite turn in their stomachs unless they first wash themselves clean with water before they partake at the table where I am present!'
These words immediately broke the three priests of their custom and they requested water and washed themselves.
After they had washed, Joseph promptly invited them to the table again,
but the priests declined to do so and dared not - for they feared the Child.
And the Baby warned, 'If you now refuse to go to the table and keep the blessed morning meal with us, you will die!
Here the priests quickly went to the table and ate in great secret awe of the Child.
When the morning meal was consumed, Joseph again arose and gave thanks to God.
Thereupon the priests asked him, 'Just which God are you thanking? Is not this Child the foremost, true God? How then can you thank another?'
This question puzzled Joseph greatly, and he did not know what he should answer thereto.
But the Baby said, 'Joseph, do not concern yourself in vain, for what the three have said will be fulfilled. Do not be concerned now, for you still pray to only one God and Father.'
