God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 97 -

Joseph Adopts A Lovely Daughter

THE SONS of Joseph went at once and brought in the midday meal.
Here Joseph said, 'What happened to the three? Are they going to have the midday meal with us, or would they rather eat in their room today?
Go and inquire about that, and what pleases them the most shall be done!'
And the sons went and asked the three, but these said nothing and motioned to the sons that they would partake of nothing before sundown, whether food or drink.
This the sons reported to Joseph who was satisfied therewith and remarked,
'If the three have made that a matter of conscience, then we would sin against them if we hindered them from keeping their vow.
So let us take our places at the table in the name of the Lord and gratefully partake of what God has bestowed upon us.'
Hereupon the seeming woman said, 'Oh master of this house! You are too good and 1 am a nobody, therefore 1 am really not worthy to eat at your table. I will most gratefully partake of what your kindness will bestow on me in the entrance-hall of the house.
Besides, my too ragged clothes and my unwashed body are not seeming for the table of such a master as you are!'
Here Joseph told the sons, 'Go and bring four large jugs of water and place them in Mary's side room.
And you, wife, go and wash the woman, and comb her, and put your best clothes on her!
And when she is thus excellently and festively attired, lead her here so she can join us at the midday meal without shyness.'
In half an hour Joseph's wish was fulfilled, and fully cleansed there now stood in place of the woman a very sweet, timid and most thankful girl in whose face only traces of her former sadness still remained.
According to her features she was of great beauty, and in her eyes lay deep humility, but also deep love.
Joseph took real pleasure in this child and said, 'O Lord, I thank You that You have selected me to save this poor girl! In Your most holy name I will adopt her as a full daughter!'
And turning to the sons, he added, 'Look upon your poor sister, and greet her as brothers!'
This the sons of Joseph did with much joy, and finally the Baby also affirmed:
'Just as by you, so is she also adopted by Me! That is a good deed and gives Me much joy!'
When the girl heard the Baby speak like that she was astonished and asked, 'Oh wonder, what is this, that this Baby speaks like a God?'
