God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 98 -

The Maiden Recognizes The Baby

THE GIRL went right over to the Baby and declared:
'Oh what an extraordinary Wonder-Child You are!
Yes, you are the same shining Baby of which I dreamt so marvelously that the mother bathed, and that the same bathwater afterwards gave me the light of my eyes.
Yes, yes, You divine Baby! You gave me the light of my eyes! You are my Savior! You are the real Apollo of Delphi!
Yes, You already mean more to my heart than all the gods of Rome, Greece and Egypt!
What a high, divine Spirit must dwell in You, who has already loosed Your tongue so soon and who already makes Himself known through You so blessedly and powerfully!
Hail to you people of the earth, you who live along with me in great darkness and sorrow!
Here is the Sun of the heavens which will give you back sight to you blind ones, as to me!
Oh Rome, you mighty conqueress of the earth, see, here before me that Champion smiles at me who will transform you into a heap of rubble!
He will raise His standard over your walls and you will go to your grave! As a storm scatters loose chaff so will you be scattered!'
Here the Baby offered His hand to the girl and wanted to go to her.
And the girl took Him with great joy and loved and caressed Him.
Thereupon the Baby played with the rich curls of the girl and asked her very quietly,
'My dear sister, do you really believe the words which you expressed before Me when I was still on My brother's arm?'
And the girl replied just as quietly to the Baby,
'Yes, my Savior, my Light, my first morning Sun - now I believe it all the more firmly, since You asked me about it!'
And the Baby said thereto, 'Good for you, that you thus believe in your heart as you have spoken!
But I tell you this: Keep nothing more secret for the time being than just this your confession of faith!
For never has the enemy of all life sharpened his ear as much as during this very time!
Therefore be silent about Me and be sure not to reveal Me if you are concerned that this enemy will not slay you forever!'
This the girl pledged most emphatically and during the time that she fondled the Baby took on an appearance of such youthful, perfect beauty that all were greatly astonished thereat, and the girl became so ecstatic in her great bliss that she began to coo and loudly exult for joy.
