God's New Bible

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 8

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord and His adversaries

- Chapter 72 -

The development of the Earth untill the pre-Adamites.

The 2nd prehistoric period of development lasted again - calculated in present-day earthly years - a for you unspeakable long time. But the Earth was by far still not fit to carry warm-blooded animals, not to mention human beings, no matter how inferior they may be. Therefore, also this one perished, just like the first one, and after that, it lasted again a very long time before there was a 3rd preparatory period of development.
Of course, between the one and the other prehistoric main period, there were also a few very stormy intermediate periods of which in the beginning only I as Creator know best the meaning and finally also the spirit to whom I want to reveal it.
Out of the many necessary processes of development came forth a 3rd period. Now already very big lands are rising up from the sea, driven by the inner fire of the Earth - this of course according to My will. The vegetation becomes even more richly diverse and is still of a gigantic kind, and this is the same with the animals. But also this period, which lasted also extremely long and which we could compare in a certain way with the blossom of a tree, was just as the other 2 preceding periods still by far not fit to serve man as a habitation. Therefore, also this one perished and buried its proceedings, just as the 1st and 2nd period in the vegetable as well as in the animal sphere, but not as deep as the first one.
After that, there were again a few intermediate periods, and after a long time a 4th preliminary period of development broke out. The pieces of land became again much larger, the vegetation became also again much luxuriant, and in the water, on the already drier lands and also in the air it became very lively with all kinds of little and besides that, also larger animals. There were even already warm-blooded mammals that did no more come in this world by means of eggs but by way of natural procreation, and consequently they gave birth to living young ones, with the exception of the water animals, some large amphibians, the birds, worms and insects.
This 4th prehistoric main period lasted extraordinary long. Already then, the sun shone from time to time on the surface of the Earth, and on a few trees there was already a fruit that became visible, which however you would not have found so tasteful, but for the animal world of that time it served nevertheless as a good food.
Also in this 4th prehistoric period of development, there was nothing on this Earth that looked like a human being.
Again, great transformations came upon the Earth and these buried for the greatest part everything what in that time you would have called a creature, and from this period you have found a lot of what is buried under the surface of the Earth, but much of it was fundamentally different in many ways from the products of the first 3 periods.
After a very long time, while there was already a greater rest and order on the Earth, and still after many very big storms on the Earth, we can see now a 5th period that comes along in which the Earth will be prepared. Again, out of the depth of the sea, great pieces of land are rising up that joins the pieces of land, which already existed from the preceding periods, and formed in this way already complete continents.
In this 5the period, the most and highest mountains on Earth come into existence. Their very high tops are destroyed by lightning, and then, enormous earthquakes and streams of water that come from mighty cloudbursts push them into the deep valleys and clefts of the Earth. By that, extensive plains and less broad valleys and flat pieces of land are formed on which everything can grow better.
With the beginning of this period, the Earth is brought into a regular orbit around the sun. Day and night and also the seasons are changing regularly, although still with all kinds of deviations, because the fluctuations of the poles of the Earth are still - and still have to be - very great during this period.
During this period, in which already a durable continent is formed, the regular ocean currents of 14.000 to 14.000 earth years are beginning. By these currents the southern half of the Earth and after that, again the northern half will be flooded for the formation of fertile soil over the often very extended deserts of rolling stones. For after about 14.000 years the sea has put so much fertile mud on the waste plains of rolling stones and the valleys that then, when the sea retreats again and the mud is left behind to become a more firm soil, they are extremely fertile.
During this 5th period, more than a 1.000 times a 1.000 years were needed before all the well-situated pieces of the surface of the Earth were completely suitable for a new creation of a great number of the most various plants, like grasses, herbs, bushes and trees, and furthermore also for all kinds of animals and pre-Adamic human beings.
During this period we can already see a great variety of fruit trees and other fruit-bearing vegetation for all kinds for animals and for the at that time prehistoric human beings. But there is still no question of agriculture, although the prehistoric human beings are using already herds of certain animals and live a rough nomad existence, have no clothing and built no houses or huts, but they built certain strong habitations and resting nests on the thick branches of the trees, just like the birds, and they make provisions of food of which they eat something every now and then. When the supply is consumed, they go in groups hunting for food again. When it becomes real cold - because during this period, also the snow appears in considerable amounts - these people travel together to warmer regions with their animals that consist of mammoths, big deer, cows, goats and sheep, and also the elephant, the rhinoceros and the unicorn, all kinds of apes and also birds belong to it.
More at the end of this period comes the donkey, the camel, the horse and the pig, and these prehistoric human beings can also control these animals, for they possess so much instinctive reason that they have a say over the named animals and they also can use them, partly as pack animals, partly for hunting and partly for obtaining milk and wool with which they can well cover their nests and can make for themselves a soft place to lay down.
They actually do not have a language in the manner as it is spoken now among the people, but they still have - since they are very perfected animals - certain articulated sounds, signs and gestures, and they can make themselves understand mutually to make clear what they need, and they also help one another. When someone becomes sick - usually because of old age - then he surely knows the herb that will help him, and if he cannot go and search it anymore, the others will do it for him.
But making fire and using it, that they cannot do. If however they would have seen how the Adamites did it later , they would have imitated it because the urge to imitate prevails with them, and their intelligence with a certain measure of free will is already largely above the intelligence of an ape, no matter how perfect he may be. Thus, they also could learn to speak in our manner, but they never could invent wise words out of themselves.
As human beings however, they were gigantic and extremely strong, and they had also such strong teeth that they could use them as cutting instruments. So also, they had a very strongly developed sense of odor and feeling and they could sense already from afar when something hostile was coming to them. With their eyes and their will they restrained the animals, and now and then, also the nature spirits.
Although this 5th prehistoric period of development lasted for many 1.000 times 1.000 of years, among these human beings there was still not any progress noticeable in their culture, but they continued to live their monotonous nomad life, and therefore, they only were a preliminary manure for the present-day human generation that resembles Me in every respect.
The color of their rather still densely haired skin was between dark and light gray. Only in the south there were also races without hair. Their outer appearance was very similar with that of the Mores of our time. Until Adam, they reproduced and spread in the lowlands and dense forests, but they never settled on the mountains."
