God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 108 -

A Secret Roman Marriage Law

CYRENIUS WAS quite satisfied by this assurance of Joseph and said,
'My esteemed friend, now everyone of my wishes has been fulfilled and I have nothing more that I might wish!
Only one unfortunate situation still exists beside my great good fortune, and this is as follows:
Tullia, the heavenly one, is now my rightful wife. But according to convention I am a Roman and therefore must also, for the sake of the people, have myself formally married by a priest.
Such a consecration can only be performed by a high priest of Hymen, and only then becomes a legally acceptable union.
Now how are we going to do this here since apart from the three lesser priests not one remains?'
Here Joseph suggested to Cyrenius, 'Why do you concern yourself with that which is of no consequence?
When you return to Tyre you will find enough priests who will give you their benediction for money, if you actually place any importance on this benediction.
But if you remain as you are you will do better, for you are after all also a lord above your own law.
Now I recall having once heard from a Roman that a secret law exists in Rome which reads thus:
If a man espouses a girl in the presence of a mute, a fool or a minor child,
and these are good-natured during the espousal and smile, then the marriage is quite legal, only a notice thereof must afterward be given to the priest having jurisdiction in that locality,
wherewith of course a small shining offering must not be omitted.
If this secret law is correct, what more is needed?
Let the three priests come who are staying with me. These will give you a witness that you in the presence of a Child hardly four months old which smiled at you and blessed you, espoused Tullia!
Once you have this quite innocent witness and a little gold, what more is there needed for the whole Roman people?'
At this Cyrenius actually jumped for joy and declared to Joseph,
'Indeed, my noble brother, you are quite correct. Such a law actually does exist, but at first I could not recall it.
Now everything is in the best order, so get me the three priests and I shall immediately confer with them in this matter.' - And Joseph promptly had the three still silent priests come into the chamber.
