God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 119 -

The Wedding Garments Of The Lord's Servants

THE SONS of Joseph now came into the room and said to him, 'Father, the morning meal is plentifully prepared.
If you wish, we will set the big dining table and then serve the meal.'
Joseph said, 'Good, my children, do that, but put on your new clothes, for this morning we will observe the wedding meal of Cyrenius.
You must also be at the table, therefore you must be dressed as befits a wedding. Go now, and do what is right and proper.'
The sons then set the table and did as Joseph had ordered.
At this the two youths went over to Joseph and asked,
'Father Joseph, what do you say? See, the garment which we are wearing is only our work-garment; should we also put on a wedding-garment?'
Joseph answered, 'You are angels of the Lord and this your garment is the most beautiful wedding-garment already - so why should you put on another?'
The youths replied, 'See, we do not wish to cause anyone annoyance, and what you have ordered your sons to do we also want to do and want to be present at your table in our wedding-garments.
So let us go out, that we may change garments as do your sons.'
And Joseph said, 'Then do what you feel compelled to do from the Lord! You are after all servants of the Lord at all times, so act accordingly.'
The two youths now left the room, and in a short time they returned with the sons of Joseph and all the other youths in garments shining as brightly as the dawn in its most beautiful red glow,
and their faces, feet and hands shone like the sun when it rises.
Cyrenius and his entire party took fright at this infinite glory and majesty.
And Cyrenius protested to Joseph in anxious haste,
'Truly exalted friend, I have now seen the boundless glory of your house! But let me go outside, for this glory consumes me.
Why after all did you have to order your sons to change clothes? Without them the Lord's servants also would surely have remained in their former to me so pleasing simplicity and lack of lustre.'
At this Joseph got hold of himself, for he had also lost his breath at all the lustre, and ordered his sons to put on their work-clothes again.
This the sons did, and the youths also went, changed their garments and then returned with the sons of Joseph in their former simplicity.
At this Cyrenius felt greatly relieved and was now able to take his place at the table with his wife and his companions.
He occupied the upper part of the table with his company, and Joseph, Mary with the Baby, Eudokia, the sons of Joseph and the youths sat at the lower part of the table and all ate and drank after Joseph's hymn of praise.
But a few centurions as well as the garrison-commander supposed that they now were bodily at the table of the gods in Olympus and could not contain themselves for joy; for they knew nothing of Joseph's house and how it was constituted.
