God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 121 -

An Easter Invitation From Cyrenius

AFTER THE CELEBRATION of Easter had been thus decided upon and Joseph had been put at his ease,
Cyrenius went over to Joseph and said, 'Exalted friend and brother, see, today I was your guest and shall remain so until this evening,
but tomorrow I shall prepare a little celebration in my fortress and want to invite your whole house as it is gathered here,
and I hope that you will not refuse me this act of friendship!
For I do not invite you to pay you back but I do it out of the great love and respect in which I hold your whole house.
See, for that reason I have set my departure for the day after tomorrow and cannot remain here as long as I had originally intended.
For pressing matters of state have forced me to revise my plan.
But for just that reason I would for once like to have the good fortune of showing you my hospitality, and that surely in a manner worthy of you.'
At this Joseph was taken aback again and did not know what to do, for he had the holy Easter Sabbath before him, which he at least wanted to observe in his house.
He therefore said to Cyrenius, 'Most worthy friend and brother in the Lord!
See, tomorrow is the most important holiday with us Jews which every Jew must celebrate at least within the entrance hall of his house, if indeed he is unable to travel to the temple in Jerusalem.
I would have to remonstrate most bitterly with myself if I were to violate this foremost of our laws,
so I can really promise you nothing in this respect.
But if you want to come to me and celebrate your approaching banquet in my house which actually belongs to you, I would be greatly pleased with that.'
And Cyrenius asked: 'But brother, are you then less believing than I, a pagan from birth according to your words?
What is your Child? Is He not the Lord, from whom all your laws are from the beginning?
Are the youths not His servants from time immemorial? Does He not have the right to determine the laws who so almightily rests on the arms of the young mother?
What if He should grant my request - would you still hold your holiday to be higher than His divine word?'
Here the Baby sat up and stated: 'Yes, Cyrenius, you have spoken correctly, but just keep everything to yourself.
Tomorrow we will all be your guests and where I am, there also is the true Easter. For I am the Deliverer of the children of Israel out of Egypt!'
When Joseph heard this, he forgot his Easter and accepted the invitation of Cyrenius.
