God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 122 -

A Secret Hope For The Condemned

AFTER THE KEEPING of the Easter holidays had thus been decided upon - as already mentioned - to Joseph's satisfaction, he again asked Cyrenius how matters stood with the removal of the rubble of the temple as well as with the corpses exhumed therefrom.
Cyrenius replied, 'Oh my esteemed brother and friend, do not be in the least concerned about that,
for I have already seen to the matter.
The rubble has been removed to the last stone, the mangled priests buried, and those who were restored I shall take along to Tyre the day after tomorrow and there attend to their proper disposition.
See, that is how this matter stands! I believe it has been attended to well and justly.'
Joseph agreed, 'Yes, truly, even a father could not have cared for his own children any better. I am wholly satisfied.
But what will you do with the rabble who last night attacked my house?'
And Cyrenius answered, 'See, they are guilty of high treason and by that have drawn the death penalty upon themselves.
Now you know that I am not in favor of the spilling of blood but am altogether opposed to it.
Therefore I have remitted them the death penalty and have determined that their well-deserved punishment shall be lifelong slavery!
I believe this punishment in place of the death penalty is not too great, especially if the opportunity of being freed is secretly given to him who wholly reforms.
Hence they are being taken along to Tyre, where further disposition will be made of them.'
Here Joseph said, 'Dear brother, there also you have acted quite according to the divine order, and I can only praise you for it as a truly wise governor!
But now I have one more thing on my heart. There still are the three lesser priests; what shall be done with them according to your counsel?'
Cyrenius replied, 'Oh noble friend and brother, I have also provided for them.
Maronius, who now thinks as I do, will take them into his service and will use them as his civil servants in that office to which I shall assign them.
Tell me, is it all right that way? - Truly, if my insight were greater I could surely make still better decisions.
But as it is, I act as it seems best to me and think that your God and mine will no doubt bless my good will even if it does not proceed from the best insight.'
Joseph assured him, 'The Lord has already blessed your insight as well as your will, and you therefore have already made the best decisions!
But now one thing more: How long will it be until you send me the eight children which you said consisted of five boys and three girls'?'
And Cyrenius promised,'My brother, my friend, that will be my first concern as soon as I arrive in Tyre.
But now let us visit the neighboring countryside, for today is an exceptionally friendly day, and there we will praise our Lord!' And Joseph at once set the entire house in motion in this behalf.
