God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 125 -

An Old Temple Collapses

WHEN THE SUMMIT of this mountain had thus been cleansed of all the vermin, Cyrenius said to his attendants,
'Go into the temple and sweep it, cover the altar with clean cloths and lay the brought-along foodstuffs on it.
We will then take a little nourishment in this temple with its beautiful view.'
At this the attendants of Cyrenius went and did as they had been told.
When everything was put in order, Cyrenius invited Joseph and Mary to follow him into the observation temple, to there partake of a little nourishment and refreshment.
Just then Joseph warned, 'Brother, I tell you, let everything be hurriedly brought out of the temple, otherwise it will collapse before you have brought your things out.
See, this building is already extremely old, weather-beaten and loosely held-together and once served the priests in committing great iniquities!
That is why it now is only being held together by a few evil spirits.
If I and my wife and the Baby now step into this loosely held-together structure, the evil spirits will flee, and the whole temple will collapse on our heads in dusty ruins.
I therefore beg you, follow my advice and you will fare well!'
Cyrenius made big eyes at this but nevertheless immediately followed Joseph's advice.
And his attendants had barely completed this task, albeit in great haste, when a great swarm of black flies was seen fleeing the temple amid a wild, massive buzz.
At this appearance Joseph called to the servants, 'Get out of the temple in all haste or you will suffer harm!'
As if seized by a gale the servants of Cyrenius rushed out of the temple at Joseph's call.
And when in greatest haste they were hardly a few steps away from the temple, it already collapsed amid a great, thunderous crash.
All were horrified and struck their hands together over their heads, and even the three trusty lions ran a short distance away on this occasion but returned after a little while.
Everyone inquired of everyone else why this happened, but among the pagans - with the exception of Cyrenius - no one could give an answer.
When the party had recovered somewhat from its fright, Cyrenius asked Joseph where a safe place might be to set up the refreshments.
Joseph then showed him an open, green little place beneath a mountain fig tree laden with blossoms and fruits.
Cyrenius promptly sent his servants there, had the place tidied and gracefully bedecked with covers on which a variety of the brought-along refreshments were placed.
