God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 152 -

Cyrenius As Predecessor Of The Apostle Paul

AFTER THIS DISCUSSION the youths drew back the curtain once more and the whole company again went in to the poor. And the Baby sat erect and blessed the poor with His eyes.
Then He turned to Cyrenius and said to him in a very pleasing tone of voice:
'My beloved Cyrenius Quirinus! See, these My servants whom you see here as frail youths watch over the whole creation in My name!
Every world, every sun must obey their slightest wish,
so you can see that I have granted them unlimited power.
And as I have turned all creation over to these My servants to be governed in an orderly manner, so also do I here turn over to you these much greater worlds of life!
See, these brothers and sisters are more than an infinity filled with suns and worlds!
'Yes, I say to you: A baby in the cradle is more than all the substance in the eternal, infinite space!
Therefore consider what great thing you receive in this gift from Me and over how great a thing I set you!
Lead these poor in all love, gentleness and patience on the right road to Me and you will eternally never be able to measure the greatness of My reward!
'I, your Lord and your God, do hereby make you a forerunner in the realm of the pagans, so that he whom I shall one day send to the pagans shall find an easy reception.
In time to come I shall also send a forerunner to the Jews,
but I tell you: The latter shall have a great deal of trouble! What he will do by the sweat of his brow, you will be able to accomplish in your sleep!
Therefore the light will be taken from the children and entrusted to all of you in all fullness!
'For that reason I as a Child lay the seed in you which will some day give Me the tree that will bear truly choice fruits for My house eternally.
But the fig tree with the children, which I already planted in Abraham's day in Salem - a city which I as Melchisedek built with My own hand - I shall curse, since it bears nothing but leaves!
Truly, it has hungered Me yet always! Many times I had the tree in Salem fertilized by good gardeners, and still it bore Me no fruit!
'Before a century passes, therefore, the city which My hand built for My children shall fall to you strangers, for your brother's son shall take up the sword against Salem!
And just as you now adopt these poor people as your children so also shall I adopt you strangers as My children, and you shall cast out the children! -
Keep these words to yourself and act according to them in secret, and I will always bless you with the invisible crown of My eternal love and grace, Amen!'
These words caused all to fall silent. The angels lay on their faces, and no one trusted himself to speak or to inquire about anything.
