God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 24 -

The Baby Is Circumcised In The Temple

ON THE AFTERNOON of the eighth day - about the third hour according to present-day calculation - the Baby was circumcised in the temple and was given the name 'Jesus', which the angel had spoken before the Baby was conceived in the womb.
And since in the most exceptional case of Mary's proven virginity the time for her cleansing was considered fulfilled, Mary was promptly cleansed in the temple.
Therefore Mary took the Baby upon her arm soon after the circumcision and carried Him into the temple, so she together with Joseph might present Him to the Lord according to the Law of Moses.
As it is also written in the Law of God: 'All manner of first-born shall be dedicated to the Lord,
and for that a pair of turtledoves or a pair of young doves shall be offered as a sacrifice.'
And Mary offered a pair of turtledoves as a sacrifice and laid it on the offering table, and the priest took the offering and blessed Mary.
There was a man in Jerusalem, named Simeon, who was most devout and god-fearing and waited for the consolation of Israel, for he was filled with the Spirit of God.
To this man the Spirit of God had said: 'You shall not see the death of the body before you see Jesus, the Anointed of God, the Messiah of the world!'
Therefore he now came into the temple out of an inner prompting while Joseph and Mary were still in the temple where they were doing all that the Law required.
And when he beheld the Baby, he went right over to the parents and entreated them to let him take Him on his arms for a little while.
The most devout pair gladly obliged the old, above all devout man whom they knew well.
And Simeon took the Baby in his arms and caressed Him, while he fervently praised God and finally said:
'Lord, now let Your servant go in peace, as You have spoken,
for my eyes have now seen the Savior whom You have promised to the fathers and the prophets!
This is He, whom You have prepared before all nations!
A light to shine the heathen, a light to the honor of Your people Israel!'
Joseph and Mary were themselves surprised at the words of Simeon, for they did not understand at that time that he had testified about the Child.
Simeon now gave the Baby back to Mary, thereupon blessed both and then said to Mary:
'Behold, this One will be set for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign that will be spoken against!
And a sword will pierce your soul, so the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed!'
Mary did not understand Simeon's words, but kept them deep in her heart.
And Joseph did the same and mightily glorified and praised God therefore in his heart.
